Updated: 20 January 1999
Unknown Generation Bâtarde


Morceaux Choisis


Role Playing:


Actual Aim:


Batarde VAMPIRE: The Masquerade v3 Batarde
Name: Catherine Nature: Manipulator Gen./Blood: 13/1
Player: Raoul Demeanor: Loner Haven: House in
Chronicle: Paris, la nuit... Clan: Bâtarde Concept: Stealthy Mercenary
App. Age: 17 Sire: None Birth/RIP: 1952/1973
Physical Social Mental
Strength ** Charisma **** Perception **
Dexterity *** Manipulation ** Intelligence **
Stamina * Appearance ***** Wits **
Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness * Animal Ken Academics **
Athletics ** Crafts Computer *
Brawl **** Drive ** Finance
Dodge *** Etiquette * Investigation **
Empathy ** Firearms * Law
Expression Melee * Linguistics **
Intimidation ** Performance Medicine **
Leadership * Security *** Occult *
Streetwise Stealth ** Politics
Subterfuge Survival Science *
Intrigue ** Acrobatics ***** Lore, Kindred *
Seduction **** Body Craft * Lore, Camarilla *
Clan Knowl.
Paris Knowl.
Secrets **
Disciplines Backgrounds Virtues
Arachnea *** Status Conscience **
Auspex * Elder Status Self-Control ***
Celerity ** Anarch Prestige * Courage *****
Dominate ** Esprit
Fortitude * Herd ***
Nymphea * Resources ****
Obfuscate **
Obtenebration **
Potence **
Presence **
Protean ***
Vicissitude *

Other Traits Humanity Health Levels
Double Jointed 1 Merit **** Bruised
Eat Food 1 Merit Hurt -1
Babyface 2 Merits Willpower Injured -1
Catlike Balance 2 Merits ***** ***** Wounded -2
Silence 2 Merits Mauled -2
Blood Pool Crippled -5
Black Widow Merits & Flaws ooooo ooooo Incapacited
Beauty of the Spider Queen 3 Merits
Indiscreet Tattoo 1 Flaw
Partial Infertility 2 Flaws

Note from Cath's player: Never do the same that I did. Instead of learning a lot of Disciplines, try to raise a few select ones up to their max. This character is 5 years-old, as old as Juan and Jonathan Nostram, and older than Ron Stewart and Dominique. And, putting aside Nostram (because he is a coward character), Cath is weaker than any other character here! A lot of low-level powers is cool, but not as powerful as a Presence, Obfuscate or Protean Fourth or Fifth level power...

Believe me... After what the Dominic-bastard made to my character, I would have destroyed him to teach him a few lessons... But I found I liked more to see Cath live instead of risking her life against a high-celerity toreador monster

To see how much I have erred, I had created an alternate Character Sheet. The title could have been: How would have been Cath if I wasn't so foolish... Anyway, because of the evolution of the character, maintaining a ''virtual'' sheet is boring at best. If you doubt me, convert this character sheet into 4 of 5 Disciplines, and you will see.

I hope you will learn from this few examples...

Anyway, I invested a lot in this character, in her psychology as well as her powers. Laurent said once that ''Only he could have done it!''. I created a whole Bloodline around a character, creating as much as four new Discipline. Still, it took me a lot of time to perfect it.

The last change was made when I decided the Black Widow were born from another ''new/old'' Bloodline I was creating for the Uræus Chronicle. As the common Disciplines of the Childer of Set were Presence and Obfuscate, and as Hathor had Neferys as a Bloodline Discipline, I decided Hathor would become the Methuselah behind the creation of the Bloodline, and that she would change Neferys for Arachnea. Thus, Sensualis and Furie disappeared (even if, for those trying to experiment the ''Dark Widow'', I've let the Furie and Nymphea/Neferys Discipline in the Bloodlinebook, with possibilities, by buying Merits to learn them).

Now, I believe the Black Widows won't need any more change.

You will find my drawings of Cath There.

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