Updated: 8 October 1998
BW Logo 2
ArachneaFurieNympheaSpecial Powers
Appendice 2: Furie

* : Dark Whispers

** : Pain Ecstasy

*** : Aura of Darkness

Successes Duration of Control
1 1 hour
21 Day
31 Week
41 Month
51 Year

**** : Weapon of the Murderer

Blood PointsWeapon
1Dagger, Claws (like Protean **)
2Sword, Katana, twin daggers
3Great Sword, Axe
4twin swords

***** : Dark Will

***** * : ?

***** ** : ?

***** *** : ?

***** **** : ?

***** ***** : Join the Light and the Darkness

Bw Symbol
ArachneaFurieNympheaSpecial Powers
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