English/U.S. Version Updated: 24 October 1998 Version Francaise

Go to Legions d'Augias!

                    Hi guys and girls!

We have the pleasure to tell you we moved (the last time, we promise) to another server!. To avoid loosing contact, we will continue to keep the Geocities LdA working. If the new server went down, or something else, we will tell you here.

The reasons are numbers. The first is that we have unlimited disk space (if not bandwidth!). The second is that updates will take less time (and money!), and so, will be done more frequently. The last is too cool to tell you!

: )

Anyway, please follow us at:

Anyway, we will continue to maintain the old site in Geocities, and thanks to a C program I did, it will be updated as much as the others. Still, as there is a space limit here, you will have to follow some links to the principal server to see everything. Anyway, Geocities have proven to be very stable, and so we will keep it, if only to maintain contact:


Raoul 'Violence' Borges

Go to the updated LdA! New Légions d'Augias HomePage!
Goth Bar

      You will find the new, more flavored, more transparent, more beautiful, more complete, more extraordinary --Oops! I didn't knew my Ego could go so far without exploding!-- anyway, MORE UPDATED (        : )        ) Légions d'Augias there!

Email Us!!! Want to add your link here?
Goth Bar

      Of course, I'm not omniscient, and people tend to think I can forget quite easily (try to think about thousands things in the same moment, and you will see the limits of your memory!). If we like your site, then you will be added here.

White Wolf Game Studio White Wolf Game Studio
Goth Bar

      Nothing to add. The Page is cool, is updated regularily, and is full with material, ideas (forums, excerpts, etc.). While the TV idea doesn't appeal to me, the site can't be avoided if you're a World of Darkness fan. Anyway, you will find a lot of free products there, as well as contacts to the creators (You will find the one behind Dark Ages has not the same answers than the one behind the Masquerade 2nd Edition!). Just because of their ecological suggestions (ever read the ''Non-Stripable'' mention in all their books?), I believe they are worth a visit.

T.S.R. T.S.R.
Goth Bar

      While I'm a great fan of DragonLance's adventures, TSR's policy about morals, combined with the AD&D's outdated rules and their destruction of the DragonLance's background with their Saga rule system and silly ideas about Dragon Antediluv--Er, Overlords, succeeded in making me stop playing AD&D. Still, like some silly man who had been abandonned by his lover, I still hope she will come back... Er... Hope TSR will update AD&D's rules and stop this 5th Age idea... Anyway, the Page is of high graphic quality (even better since WotC put their noses in it), but with poor quality information: You will find there free sourcebooks that are not being edited anymore (cool!) but in strange formats (images there, text in DOC, RTF, ZIP and every other possible format, etc. etc.)...

      Still, like a silly man who...

White Wolf Game Studio B. J. Zanzibar's World of Darkness
Goth Bar

      I've heard guys and girls saying B.J.Z. was a homepage for powermongers and players who wanted to play monty hauls monsters. It's true, most material described there must be unbalanced, but as it was the same people who said WW games were more mature and TSR were for children, don't be fooled. The correct answers are that the games you play are oriented within the limits of the players and gamemasters. Second, the B.J.Z. is the greatest archive in the Net where you will find more ideas you will ever want! You won't be using anything there without some changes, but the genius of the archive (i.e.: Of the webmasters and the authors) is in the ideas, not in the precise rules. A must!!!

Dark Spiral Sites Links Dark Spiral Sites Links
Goth Bar

      You will find there the Sites officialy sanctionned by White Wolf. All are interesting, and I found three or four whose informations were crucial. Note that this link changed when White Wolf created their Dark Spiral Web Ring. The old HTML source of the Dark Spiral Sites can (perhaps!) still be found here:
      Old Dark Spiral Site List.

Le Cenaculum Le Cenaculum
Goth Bar

      This french Homepage has the ambition of uniting the links to the best information pages on the web... And they are on the way to succeed! Most french WoD players and Storytellers will like it as it concentrates its resources on french works. By just asking the webmaster, Pascal (now back from Mexico! Hi Pascal!) and his Stalag-Mythes, you will be added to their update email list. I liked the description of the Sabbat.

Ashland by Night: Link not activated (dead site) Ashland by Night
Goth Bar

      This Site was cool indeed! People there are working for free for you to role-play in a Virtual City. I've tried it, and even if it's not perfect, the graphics alone are enough reasons to visit it. The problem is that a lot of people want to Role-play there, and that it cost money to keep up with the bandwidth, and when it comes to money, there no one anymore... Try it, and if you like it and plan to come there, then have to courage and donate some money to keep it up!

      Note: Ashland is now to be considered as dead. The link leads no where. I found another site, apparently maintained by ex-Ashlanders, and I will replace this link with the other as soon as I have confirmation about its value.

La Nef de Villon La Nef de Villon
Goth Bar

      This french site is cool, with graphics and all... But it lacks material! While it's being completed regularily, I understood the webmaster would write a paperback fanzine, and that his Homepage was just a taste of it... Too bad! The guy's knows what he says, and seemed in our Emails discussions to have a great range of litteracy culture. Cool!

Le Monde des Tenebres Le Monde des Ténèbres
Goth Bar

      French Homepage, by Iningo Montoya. Cool, with informations from the PbN (Paris by Night), but in french. In truth, he translated our Chronology without keeping the Hypertext Links, and without updating it. And another homepage, at least, borrowed it from him, giving him the credits... Anyway, he's working on a description of Paris Arrondissements by Arrondissements, as well as another ''By Nights'' series.

Paul Strack's WoD Page Paul Strack's World of Darkness Page
Goth Bar

      Interesting Homepage: The guy worked a lot, and he worked well! Try to look at it each month (weeks?), and Bookmark the Index. The Night you will have a problem about something in the World of Darkness, you will discover he already has the solution!!!

Phaedra Whitlock's Homepage Phaedra Whitlock's Homepage
Goth Bar

      At first, I thought the only interests someone could find in Phaedra's Homepage were Ashland related. I was wrong: Her Notebooks are full with informations about the World of Darkness, as well as links leading to related and more specialized homepages. Of course, if you want ot know more about Ashland, this Homepage can't be avoided, as it has almost everything, or the links to lead to information it doesn't have!
      Kisses to you, Phaedra!

K. Moriyama's Home Page K. Moriyama's Home Page
Goth Bar

      Err... Okay, it's a Java Homepage. But try it (with a powerful Browser), and after playing Afterburner on your Browser, you will never see Java the same... Try it, just for the fun...

Tavern of the wayward strangers Tavern of the wayward strangers
Goth Bar

      Of what I heard, Cat is the Webmistress of this Homepage. The visual is really cool. I'm somewhat confused by its organization, and bored by Cat's apparent bitterness (at least, the last time she sent me an Email) and cynicism (She counted 443 registered Vampires in Ashland while admitting elsewhere she has at least 20 characters...). Anyway, this Homepage is interesting if you want information about the now dead Ashland.

La Cour d'Oberon La Cour d'Oberon
Goth Bar

      Cool. You will find scenarii ideas for Vampire, but also for others RPGs. Look at the ''Pagina Fugit'' File... I'm wondering if I won't make an english copy of it...

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Goth Bar

      For those considering about misusing copyrights, including LdA/Black Widow author's Intellectual Property! You will find there the cool page where everything will be explained in French, in English and in spanish.

La 3eme Voie La 3eme Voie
Goth Bar

      This french site contains useful information for "The Masquerade" players and storytellers. It is described as a parisian Chronicle. The author has the project to link a worldwide chronicle, which is a difficult but cool task. Useful, and their art is cool... (Er... No, I didn't say that frontpage was simply taken from the last PbN frontpage --the pyramid became the Sacré Coeur-- without my prior consent --or any consent, that is--, and that --and only that-- decided me to change my frontpages for others less easy to copy...)
      : )

The Malkavian Web Page The Malkavian Web Page
Goth Bar

      Cool site, if only for the links (I like the list of phobias!). I have yet to visit it more...

The Vampire Archive The Vampire Archive
Goth Bar

      This Official Dark Spiral Site is full with archive (so you understand the name!). I like the graphics a lot (photos of male and female vampires through the pencils/cameras of various artists. I have yet to visit it more...

Louis Granboulan's V:tM Homepage Louis Granboulan's V:tM Homepage
Goth Bar

      An astronomical quantity of interesting informations, including new Bloodlines, Disciplines, etc. taken from the BJZ.

Online History of Egypt (Online) History of Egypt
Goth Bar

      Great archive, created by a professor of the University of Chicago. For those interested in Ancient Egypt...

??? ???
Goth Bar

      Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte Texte

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