Updated: 13 November 1999
Veilleur Logo
CHAPTER 2: Background Informations


Path of the Veilleur
Score Moral Guideline Rationale
1O Failing to assist mortals in need This is our mission. If we can protect them, we must do it.
9 Treating a Veilleur with disrespect Respect is the beginning of trust.
8 Placing personnal desire above duty We are free, but with freedom comes responsibility. Ours is duty.
7 Breaking is word to a Veilleur This is a violation of the trust we must have to each other
6 Failing to assist a Veilleur in need This is an active treason of the trust we must have to each other
5 Striking an unarmed opponent Respect comes through honor. Striking someone who can't defend himself doesn't bring respect.
4 Failing to learn of research supernatural or scientific lore To protect, we must know. The more we will know, the more we will protect.
3 Treating a superior with disrespect We must trust each others. And superiors must be able to trust us.
2 Breaking your word to Villon or Alexis This is a violation of our most basic mission.
1 Breaking a sacred oath This is a violation of our most basic honor.

Powers & Influence:


Hekau Thaumaturgy of the Veilleurs:

The Tremere & the Giovanni:


Status: Veilleur

Status, Veilleur Title Rank DST/RG (V) Resources (V) Influence (V)
0 Apprenti None - -
* Veilleur Agent ** -
** Chevalier Inspecteur ** *
*** Paladin Commissaire *** **
**** Seigneur Commissaire Divisionnaire *** ***
***** Maître Prefet **** ****

Library of Shadows

Secret Notes, for Storyteller's Eyes only: