Updated: 11 June 2000
VAMPIRE: The Masquerade
Koldunic Sorcery: Way of Vitae
By Raoul ''Violence'' Borges
Koldunic Way of Vitae

                        ...I am The Ancient, I am The Land.
    My beginnings are lost in the darkness of the past...
    ...I made a pact with death. A pact of blood...
    ...I did not die. Nor did I live. I became undead, forever...

    Strahd von Zarovitch,
    The Tome of Strahd.
    by Tracy and Laura Hickman.

                        To the contrary of the Thaumaturgical Path of Blood, the Way of Vitae concentrates istelf on the supernatural significance of blood, and of course, vampiric blood.

    Of course, manipulation of some psychological effects induced by Vampiric Vitae is included in the philosophy of the Way of Vitae...

    The attribute associated to this Path is Appearance. When using any power of this Way, the Koldun's eyes become blood red.

* : Embrace

                        This spell was developped as a powerful Embrace. Instead of draining the victim and giving it some drops of Vitae, the Koldun can slowly drain the subject, once per night, replacing the lost blood with some quantity of her Vitae, until the death of the victim. At this moment, the victim must be buried in earth. Three nights after, if the Spell was successful, the victim rises as a vampire, more powerful than usual Neonates, and sometimes, of the same Generation than his sire (the victim is then called the Bride or Groom of her/his Sire).
    But the real effect of this Spell is to create a magical love bond between the Sire and the Childe. They are considered to have a True Love Merit for each other. Of course, prevoious True Love can interfere badly, as some polygamous Kolduns have learnt to their sorrow...

                        System: ?.

** : Summon the Blood

                        Similar to Presence ****, this power enables the Koldun to summon any creature that has the Koldun's Vitae in its system including ghouls (even Revenants whose diet includes the Koldun's Vitae), Vampires, etc.. Note that the Childer of the Koldun, because of their Blood ties with the Koldun, can always be summoned by her.

                        System: ?.
    Similar to Presence ****, the Koldun can choose to summon multiple creatures. Each success in the roll can be divided. Thus, four successes to summon one creature can become three success to summon one and one to summon one another.

*** : Living Appearance

                        This power wasn't often used, as most Tzimisce, with time, decided humanity was a inferior specy, not worth mimicking. Still, this power was created, at first, as a study of mortal's physiology, to ease the path of the Metamorphosist.
    This power enable the Koldun to take the appearance of a mortal human, and to appear, at least for some time, as a ghoul.

                        System: ?.
    This power have three notable effects: Two are similar to the following Merits: Eat Food and Baby Face. The third gave the Koldun the aura of a Ghoul. The Eyes of the Koldun are blood red only while casting the spell, not when its effects are active.

**** : Manipulate the Blood Oath

                        This power affects the very basis of some Cainite cultures: the potence or effects of the Blood Bond. The Koldun can now decrease or increase for a limited amount of time the potence of the Blood Bond. Another variation of this power, more difficult to achieve, is the manipulation of the feelings induced by the Blood Bond. While those feelings retain their potency, their expression can be changed. For example, a typical Blood Bond induces feeling of love. Using this power, the Koldun could change this Love for Lust, or Hate, or Awe. But not indifference or apathy...

                        System: ?.

***** : Vinculum

                        By casting this Spell on her Vitae, the Koldun can create a potent alchemical preparation that is enough to break the Blood Oath, and change it into a kind of multiple Blood Oath. Everyone drinking from this alchemical vitae will have (perhaps) any Blood Oath broken, to be replaced by a Blood Oath (to the Koldun) or a Vinculum (if multiple sources of Vite -- including the Koldun -- were used) to those whose Vitae was used in this Spell. Even if the Way of Vitae was unknown by all but a handful of Kolduns, its secrets somehow were rediscovered by Tzimisce Anarchs in the 13th or 14th century.

                        System: ?.

Goth Bar

This Way of Koldunic Sorcery was created by Raoul ''Violence'' Borges.

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