Updated: 15 November 1998
VAMPIRE: The Masquerade
Thaumaturgy: Path of Stone
By Steeve ''Harraken'' B.
Thaumaturgical Path of Stone

                        The Tremere created the Gargoyles and created thaumaturgical rituals to enhance their resistance and kinship to the stone. When the Gargoyles finally fled the Tremere, the Rituals have been since long assimilated by the artificial Bloodline as the Visceratika Discipline.

    But the Rituals weren't lost to the Tremere. One of them, Donavan Borovic, studied the Rituals and succeeded in merging it into a Path of Thaumaturgy. While he didn't succeed to copy the exact rituals, the final result was successful enough to attract the attention of Councillor Thomas Wyncham

    This path is relatively rare because of its specialization and its lack of discretion. Still, it and can be taught as a good present for good and loyalty to the clan.

* : Stone Being

                        This power gives the possibility to the tremere to turn the color of his skin into stone's color. This ability enables him to dissimulate himself in a stone area. In fact, the skin takes exactly the color of nearby stone.

                        System: occult + stealth, diff:Var..
    The difficulty depends on the quantity of stone:

Stone Castle, Cathedral5
Urban Area8

    Note that each success adds one die to any normal Stealth roll, but only if the Tremere remains motionless. The spell lasts for one Scene.

** : Strengh of Stone

                        This power enables the vampire use the potence of the stone. The cainite increase his strengh for a limited time.

                        System: Automatic.
    Each success at the willpower roll give an extra bonus to strengh until the the end of the next turn. Each turn thereafter, the bonus decrease by one.

*** : Flesh to Stone

                        This power inables the Tremere to change one part of his choice of his body into stone-like flesh (for example : the arm, leg, or the hand). The stoned part isn't articulated.

                        System: Automatic, for the Scene.
    The transmuted part see its resistance increased, and indeed adds 2 Dices to any soak roll (only for soaking damage hurting this part), as well as 2 Dices for parrying if using this part. In similar way, the Tremere hitting with this part increases his damage by 2 Dices.

**** : Stone Resistance

                        This power is the same than ''Flesh to Stone'' but affect all the body while enabling limited movement. The skin of the Tremere becomes grey and almost as hard as stone.

                        System: 1 Willpower for 1 Scene.
    The tremere needs only to spend one willpower and his body become harder. This adds to Dice to Stamina rolls, but removes 2 Dices to any dexterity Roll. However, the skin is so hard that he can now soak Aggravated Damage with a simple Stamina roll (Sunlight and Fire are not included).

***** : Statue of Stone

                        When this spell is cast the tremere is transformed into a statue of stone which protect the body of the cainite of the sunlight during the day.

                        System: 2 Willpower, 2 Turns.
    Two willpower points must be spent and the transformation will take two Turns. The tremere can break the spell when he wants. In this form, the statue can't be affected by any type of usual damage (damaging the object striking it!). Massive damage must be soaked, through, but for soaking purpose, there is no distinction between Normal and Aggravated Damage. While in Statue Form, the Tremere is immunized to non-massive fire and sunlight, and he can see, hear and use the auspex discipline (He must, still roll Humanity to remain awake the day).

Goth Bar

This Path of Thaumaturgy was created by Steeve ''Harraken'' B..

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