On Foreign Relations

  1. Only the Jarl, by consent of the Pack, may make foreign policy in the Pack. Only the Guardian may dispute the decrees of the Jarl, and only in accordance with the law.
  2. The Jarl may ask advice or counsel from any Minister or official, or any other source as regards the benefits or detriments of alliance or recognition of any other nation.
  3. The Jarl, when deciding on relations with any other nation, is obliged to keep the people and the Guardian informed of any such decision, and must refrain from telling the nation in question of the decision until the Guardian and Althing may have an opportunity to respond. It is considered that one week, as with any Law, is enough time for a response to be received.
  4. In general, Lykosha will deal with those nations who:
    • have their policies in full view of any visitor, and have none that espouse hatred, racism, war or threat of war, discrimination, or deliberately offensive material; and:
    • is not actively in a conflict with any nation friendly or allied to by Lykosha; and:
    • have representatives who act, speak and write in a honourable and civilized fashion at all times; and:
    • never engages in the practice of "paper dolls," myth handed down as fact, or other such falsehoods. If an obvious simulation, such nation must say so somewhere (as a disclaimer, etc.).

    • Any above struck text is replaced with the Decree displayed here. Otherwise, this Law remains intact.

  5. Please note: Lykosha will not discriminate by government, economic policy, religion or any other factor as long as that nation holds basic human rights, and so long as this nation shows this publically.

On Treaties

  1. A treaty may be entered into after that nation has been in a friendly relationship with Lykosha for at least a continuous three months, and the contents of such Treaty will be composed on a case-by-case basis.
  2. Treaties must never insist that the nation in question's aid comes before Lykosha, for such violates the Pack Law regarding the survival of Lykosha. "Group before friend before self before strangers." Neither will the Treaty insist that Lykosha surrender its sovereignty, nor lands (if any), nor resources (if any) to the nation in question.
  3. Other issues may be included in the treaty, and may be written by the nation in question, or by a representative of Lykosha, as desired. The offer for the applying nation to write their own treaty shall be extended by Lykosha as a matter of course.
  4. For the first year of a formal, signed, treaty between Lykosha and the applying nation, such a relationship will be a probationary one, to ensure that the treaty is of benefit to, and agreeable by, both nations. Parts of the treaty may be edited by either party during this time.

    At the end of this year, it is the privilege of the other nation to submit ideas for improvement, complaints about the various sections of the treaty, or to renegotiate the terms of the treaty itself, so long as such is done in a civilized, and courteous manner.

On Sovereignty

  1. It is noted that, in regard to the sovereignty of any officially unrecognised nation (aka "Micronation"), Lykosha recognises the sovereignty to the same extent that it does. In other words, if a simulation, Lykosha recognises that. If seeking nationhood, Lykosha will recognise that. Lykosha will always treat the nation as though real, and expect that the nation Recognising Lykosha does the same equally.

On Organizations

  1. There is only one Pack, and that is Lykosha. We will, of course, wag our tails and be friendly to those who are friendly to Lykosha, but we will tolerate no attempt to suborn our sovereignty, or surrender our authority to any group, or any nation heading such a group.
  2. Lykosha will, however, recognise the indisputable fact that relationship is the basis for alliance, and will therefore seek observer status in such organizations, and further will express herself openly in such organizations.

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