.:Weekly Log:.
Thursday July 27, 2006 2:09 AM

You know you've seen one type of movie one too many times when you start thinking they're "out to get you"? My friends and I seemed to have watch one too many zombie movies... Anytime I go outside at night, I find myself looking around like one of the girls on the movies, making sure there's nothing out there. When I hear a nosie, I jump and squeek. Hell, it's even bad when I go outside, then come back in and looking at this dark area, thinking there's a zombie hidding out there. Kuro thought she had it bad? Uu;;; I'm pretty freaked out myself.
Tuesday Apirl 10, 2007 9:29 PM

Well, as some of you know, we have upgrade and completely updated the site. We're also getting ready for A-Kon this year. We plan on taking a shit load of pictures and buy as whole lot of anime stuff! I'm excited!
Sunday Apirl 15, 2007 1:14 AM

Added more to the tattoo page, two new tattoos, one on my body and one on Magpie's. You can figure out who's who when you view. More will be added to the A-Kon page and more art is soon to come.
Tuesday Apirl 17, 2007 10:06 PM

W00T! Got more costuming done this weekend. Magpie did some more sewing on her Sakura costume and I made her shoes for the costume. And I am currently repainting my armor on my Sephiroth costume so it's not as sticky and more believible. I have also added an information page on conventions on the A-Kon page.
Tuesday Apirl 25, 2007 2:45 AM

Ok, got more done on Magpie's costume. I'm also in charge of making the kunai (ninja wepaons) for the costumes. I've already got one made and in the process of making another one, That's it for now.
.:Weekly Log:.
.:Anime Costumes:.
.:Cat's Art:.
.:Merageshu's Bio:.
.:Cat Ficition:.
.:Huntress D Bio:.
.:Anime Personality:.
.:Other World:.
.:FFVII AC Review:.
.:Sephiroth Cosplay!:.
.:Cosplay 411:.
.:A-KON Gallery:.
.:Magpie's Cosplays:.
Monday May 07, 2007 10:30 PM

First of all, we have less than a month until A-Kon and we have a few more things to finish up. Magpie has just the sleeves and the trimming on her costume to finish and I have some more glossing to do on the armor to make it shiny and awesome. I also need to get Magpie to help with styling the wig for me. We, too, have to get some items for the trip itself. Some food, health products, reminding myself to bring my phone charger and my battery charger. I've already got a tarp for the truck so our stuff's protected from the weather and doesn't fly out from the back... What else? Oh yes, if you see us down at the convention, come and say hi and get pictures with us! We like photos, and meeting new people!
Monday May 10, 2007 10:33 PM
Two more weeks until A-Kon and everything on my end is done. I'm just waiting on my wig for my Seohiroth costume to come so I can style it for the con. I also have some packing to do. Nothing to really buy this time around, just saving up the rest of money so we can have a good time. I have also made a Naruto Cosplay page for anyone who wants to see the finish costume. Anyways, I'm out. Later
Friday May 18, 2007 2:47 AM
Ok, it's like 2:45 in the morning and here I am updating. Why you ask? Because I can, mwhahahaha! No seriously, A-Kon is right around the corner,and we've been cramping what we have left of our costumes to get done... DONE! I'm through with mine, I'm just waiting for the new wig to come in so we can get that son of a bitch styled. Magpie has her wig done and dyed. I've learned too, that I can dye wigs with food coloring... Weird huh? I also went to this costume shop that I discovered today.... They SUCKED! They didn't sell wigs, fangs, make-up, fake anything! They were masks and costume only! And she didn't take credit, debit or checks. What kind of bull honky is that, huh? People are weird.
Monday May 28, 2007 11:36 PM
I am hoping and praying that my wig to come in on time. I ordered the damn thing on the 13th and here it is almost the 29th! I need that thing by the 30th!!!!! Oi, this is stressing me out! In other news, the rest of the costumes are done, so is Magpie's two. W00T! I'm gonna call the lady tomorrow to make sure it comes in, it's really important.
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