Abyssal Lords


Abyssal Lords: Beings of inestimable foul awfulness. They're the top of the food chain in the Abyss, rulers of the rapacious tanar'ri race, and vying to be powers, every one. Some of them have got lucky and slipped over the border between mere mortal being and divinity (though any berk knows there's nothing "divine" about anything so nasty as a tanar'ri, it's just a figure of speech). Graz'zt is one of them, and Jubilex another. Like any power, those two have gone beyond the realm of being a challenge to mortals; they can do almost anything they want.

This resource concentrates on the near-power Abyssal Lords; the Ones Who Could Be Powers. With any luck they won't make it (for who needs more chaotic and evil gods?)...

Being a Lord of Lust, Love and Lechery, the Tanar'ri way, of course

Being a Lord of Warfare, Battle and Fiendish Strength

Being a Lord weak in Stature, but with many strong Strings he can pull

Being a Lord of Terrifying Psychic Ability


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