Monstrous Compendium Mimir.Net Appendix

Being a Compendium of Beasts
and Beings of the Planes


Copyright 1997, 1998 by Jon Winter and lots of other Bloods
Artwork copyright 1997, 1998 by Chris Appelhans, Zak Arntson, Jeremiah Golden, Steve Wallace and others
Thanks especially to Jim Barrett who started the ball rolling, put names to faces and filled in many a gap
Last modified 14th September 1998

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to consult the Mimir about Planar Monsters


This area is rated DMG!
Please seek your Dungeon Master's guidance before reading any further!
The MC contains monster stats and all sorts of other darks.
You'll spoil half the fun if you go reading it, berk!


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Et Voila!

Monsters, Monsters Everywhere...

One sod's monster is another blood's best friend, and that's especially true out here on the Planes. Better believe it, berk, because you'd not believe the conversations I've had with infanta, or the surprises my phileet friend has sprung upon me. Not heard of 'em? Ah, don't you worry; I'll tell you all about those and more, in good time.

During my traipsing around the planes I've collected the dark on many beasts and beings from around the Great Ring and beyond, and this old Mimir of mine is itching to tell you all about 'em. All you need do is point at the thing and tell it, in no uncertain terms, what you're interested in. And like all good speakers of the chant, this Mimir's got a lot more stories for another day...


The Dark

Tails and Tribulations:

New Bloods
Being a host of novel Races with whom Players may wish to Acquaint themselves
Two races just added: Khaasta and Reave

Flower Powers
Being a planar Druid's diary of Outlandish Flora, and a Dark and Leafy secret

Planescapey Metal Strip

A Planar Bestiary:
[indicates the monster is illustrated]

Aasimon, Arthurea
Being an Angelic creature with a Dubious Parentage indeed

Abyssal Lords
Bale, Hugh, V'aughrosfl, Yartuniu
Being a Collection of Those Who Would Be Powers of Foulness and Evil

Bat, Golden
Being a lowly Messenger for its lofty Masters, with a Penchant for long Evenings

Bene Idanim
Being a Human-like race of Wanderers, whose Mysterious Mission is truly Dark

Butterfly, Spire
Being an Innocent-looking insect which just Won't follow the Rules

Being a Sharp-tempered and Sharp-bodied creatures from the Plane of Minerals

Being an Outlandish creature with a Dangerous method of Keeping the Balance

Doom Locust
Being a ringwide Harbinger of troublesome Times to Come

Dragon, Elemental
Air, Earth, Fire, Water
Positive, Lightning, Mineral, Radiance, Steam
Negative, Vacuum
Being a whole new Species of Dragonic forms molded from the Inner Planes themselves

Dragon, Limaxian
Being a snail-like Dragon, pearlescent both of Shell and of Temperament

Ethereal Swimmer
Being an Enigmatic entity of the Ethereal Soup, dealing in Dreams and the Songs they create

Forgetful Snapper
Being an Aquatic native of the Styx, the fetid River of shattered Lives

Being an Illuminating Native of Sigil's Portals

Being a Mythical Hinterland beast that Doesn't even believe in Itself

Planescapey Metal Strip

Jaguar, Aspen
Being an Emerald-eyed and Deadly beauty from the Beastlands

Being a Nighmarish insectoid Horse who'll Come back Time and Time again...

Being a fiendish Shepherd of Souls, with Ends most Mysterious

Being a Life-Bringing radiant creature you'll just Die to Meet

Mephit, Shadow
Being a Tenebrous being of Dubious Intentions and Meanings

Mephit, Void
Being a Creature which is so Not There as to be There

Minion of Chaos
Being everything you simply never Expected

Being a race of Unseen creatures loving Tricks and Traps and sometimes Good deeds

Being a seed of pure Chaos sown deep in Baator's rigid Heart

Pigeon, Sigilian
Being a Mischevious avian native to Sigil's Streets, Rooves, Gutters, Ditches...and so on

Being an innocuous-looking Ball of Fur with a far Wilder Side

Being the last Creature you'd Expect to be a Spy for Good Powers

Pony, Cager
Being a fierce Tiefling equine bred for Life in Sigil's streets

Being a screaming fiendish Harridan of Tentacle and Fang

Being a stinking Bird with a very safe Kip in the Cage

Being a Mechanical creature on the Rise in the Plane of Gears

Slaad, Rogue
Being an Outcast from a Society which has no Rules

Planescapey Metal Strip

Being a Hunter of the Styx's foul Waters, for Fiend and 'Walker alike

Negative, Positive
Being a Benevolent Parasite ... or should that be Dangerously Insiduous Virus?

Being a foul Synthesis of Fiend and Ogre, foul in Name and Deed

Tanar'ri, Lesser - Drakenbh'org
Being a stinking Race of Deadly slave-fiends, hells-bent on Murder and Mayhem

Tanar'ri, Greater - Grind
Being an unthinking Kamikaze killer of the Eternal Blood War

Tanar'ri, Greater - Masochistic
Being a horrid Blood War weapon of Pure fiendish Hate and Malice

Tanar'ri, True - Dracor'ri
Being a Draconic Blood War weapon raised the Tanar'ri Way

Tanar'ri, Semi-True - Cambion Lord General
Being a mighty Fiendish race, who Tower above even some Balor!

Being the latest of the Sensate's recent Fads, a slug with Mental powers

Being a planar race of Draconic constructs, with an inverted Penchant for Slavery

Wasp, Bytopian
Being a hard-working Beast of Burden of the twin Paradises

Being a Wandering Exile of the Plane With No Laws

Wolf, Blizzard
Being a Predator of the Inner Planes, cold of Temperament and Demeanour

Being a slayer of Fiends, and a sodding Good one at That

Yugoloth, Sacroloth
Being a Fiendish Special Force, Petrifying in more Ways than One

Planescapey Metal Strip

Submit a Monster!
Being an Opportunity for real Bloods to add their own ideas to the Compendium
There's a large backlog of monsters for me to deal with (current size about 50),
so please be patient with me ;-)

Run out of Monsters?

Check out James O'Rance's website, which has 25 monsters in its own MC section.

Be sure to visit Lord Hannible's Realm of Chaos, which has darker monsters,
including the Dementoloth, a Yugoloth sub-species...

Do you own a site with Monsters? Want it listed here? Mail me and let me know the URL...

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