Tanar'ri, Greater - Grind (Copyright 1998 by Gothenem)



Abyss or Prime


Rare (Abyss), very rare (Prime)



Activity Cycle:

Any (Abyss), Night (Prime)


Carnivore and special


Very (12-13)


Q x 3, L, M


Chaotic Evil

No. Appearing:


Armour Class:



15, Fl 15 (B)

Hit Dice:




No. of Attacks:



1d6+2, 1d6+2, 2d4

Special Attacks:

Innate spells, poison

Special Defences:

Innate resistances

Magic Resistance:



M-L (5'-8')


Champion (16)

XP Value:



"I heard o' a grind once, the berk kept on rattling his bone-box on how the tanar'ri were just about to take over Baator. I saw the berk tell a pit fiend that. Poor sod's in the dead book now."

- Krainius Talfar, tiefling mercenary

Grinds look much like humans, except that their skin is hard and pebbley, they have a large set of pincers in their mouths and claw-like hands rather than fingered ones. Grinds are usually the leaders of Blood War diversionary units, they're renowned (more so than your average tanar'ri) for attacking baatezu on sight. Unlike many tanar'ri, grinds are not immune to electricity, they suffer half damage from it. Grinds communicate by telepathy.

Combat: Grinds strike with their scaly claws that do 1d6+2 damage each, and with their pincers that do 2d4 damage. If their pincers strike, the victim must make a save vs. poison with a -2 penalty or take 3d6 damage the next round, 2d6 the following round, and 1d6 the third round. If they make the save they just take 1d6 damage the next round. Grinds can use the following spell like abilities one per round at will. Magic missile (5/day), wall of fire, dimension door and programmed illusion, as well as the standard tanar'ri abilities.

Habitat/Society: Grinds are the leaders of small groups of tanar'ri troops in the Blood War; in fact, anything considered a suicide mission by the tanar'ri high-ups is led by a grind. Strangely, perhaps, the grinds don't seem to mind. Their hatred of baatezu is almost holy -- as much as the word "holy" can be applied to the foul tanar'ri -- in fact, it is rumoured by some members of the race that the Blood War started because of a grind.

Grinds are usually created when a bar-lgura is promoted for exceptional service. Known for their stupidity, bar-lgura consider this a great honour -- high-up tanar'ri know the promotion's basically a death warrant, and a short one at that. But for those brief few days, the grind will be highly respected by his fellow tanar'ri. Well, as much as a blood-sucking beast of pure evil can show respect, at least...

Grinds are usually the first to die in a Blood War, because of the reckless abandon that they throw themselves at their enemies. They usually take with them a swathe of baatezu troops; the tanar'ri berserkers are well feared by the lawful fiends, who call them "Ravagers".

Ecology: Grinds usually don't live more than a few weeks in tanar'ri society, therefore their impact upon the Abyssal ecology is almost nonexistent. They are carnivores, and they can also eat teeth. No one knows why teeth are a delicacy to grinds, but they are. Chalk it up to a mystery of the planes, eh?

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