Tanar'ri, Greater - Masochistic (Copyright 1998 by John Kastronis )



The Abyss/Lower Planes


Very Rare



Activity Cycle:





Average to high (8 - 14)




Chaotic Evil

No. Appearing:


Armour Class:




Hit Dice:




No. of Attacks:




Special Attacks:

Bleeding, blood frenzy

Special Defences:

Pain absorption

Magic Resistance:



L (10' tall)


Champion (15-16)

XP Value:



Obsessed with pain, inflicting it and receiving it, masochistics are probably the most dangerous tanar'ri in a toe to toe fight. They have no regard for their own bodies, flinging themselves into combat with abandon.

Masochistics appear as large humanoids, covered in thick, rubbery, black skin. Hideous scars cover their bodies and open wounds ooze out thick, gummy blood that gives them a sickening sheen. Their arms end in two huge hooks, similar to large scythes, which drip almost constantly with something's blood. Their teeth are pointed and many, often too large for their mouths, forcing their mouthes open and giving them a gruesome appearance.

Combat: Masochists love combat more than anything else. They attack anything and everything unless a smarter or more powerful tanar'ri commands them not to. And sometimes they don't even listen to those orders. They recklessly throw themselves at opponents, no matter how dangerous.

Weapons that aren't holy, baatezu-, or yugoloth-forged have an opposite affect on masochists. Instead of taking damage, they are healed up to their maximum hit points. If these weapons aren't of +1 or greater enchantment, they have no effect anyways. Masochists attack with each of their hooked arms once per round, each inflicting 2d10 damage. They also attack with their many toothed bites, a successful strike doing 3d10 damage. A creature bitten must make a save vs. paralysation or bleeds for 1d6 damage per round until the wound is bound. If a masochist inflicts more than 30 points of damage in a single round, they fly into a blood rage, doubling the number of hook attacks they can make per round. With every successful hook strike, a masochist gains 2 hit points.

The bane of all masochists are healing spells. All spells that would normally heal the target act as a reversed form of the spell (ie. a cure light wounds would become a cause light wounds). Damaging spells are also reversed, if possible (ie. a harm would become a heal, but a fireball would still deal normal damage). In addition to those abilities common to all tanar'ri, masochists have the following spell-like powers: cause light wounds, cause serious wounds, cause severe wounds, harm (5 times per day), detect good, detect invisibility, and detect magic. They can also attempt to gate in 1d4 other masochist tanar'ri once per hour with a 40% chance of success.

Habitat/Society: Masochists are often used to cause heavy damage in combat. They can inflict heavy casualties before they fall. They are often kept in isolated pens until battle, because they would attack their fellows if they were allowed to go free. Nobody really knows how these hideous creatures came into being, but chant goes it was an unnatural and terrible magical experiment conducted by a twisted Abyssal Lord or three. If their purpose was to find a new weapon to use against anything living, they certainly suceeded.

Ecology: Masochists care for nothing other than hurting and being hurt. They do not seem to understand anything else. The Blood War is only an easy way to cause harm to them.

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