Slaad, Rogue (Copyright 1997 by Ben Harris)



Limbo (Any)

Rogue Slaad


Very Rare



Activity Cycle:



High (13-14)






Chaotic Neutral

No. Appearing:


Armour Class:




Hit Dice:




No. of Attacks:



1d6+2 / 1d6+2 / 2d8 or by weapon

Special Attacks:

See below

Special Defences:

+1 or better weapon to hit

Magic Resistance:



L (7' tall)


Elite (12-14)

XP Value:



Slaadi are ruthless creatures, existing within an pragmatic yet rigid hierarchy. At the bottom lie the red and blue slaadi, then come the green, gray and death slaadi. Though, as a race, the slaadi seek to change the established Planar Order, they are also obsessed with gaining personal power. The more powerful slaadi constantly engage in intrigue and power struggles; the political situation on Limbo is more complex than even a Xaosman can begin to fathom. Green slaadi, being ambitious to become more powerful, will often plot against gray and death slaadi. Sometimes these plots are successful, more often they aren't. Occasionally a green slaad will be lucky enough to survive but has to flee for its life. It is these fugitives that are called "rogue slaadi".

Unlike other slaadi, rogue slaadi do not have any tattoos on their foreheads to distinguish station. How these are lost is a mystery, and rogues are always reluctant to talk about the subject. Wise bashers don't try and press the point.

Rogue slaadi speak slaadi and common, as well as a limited form of ESP that allows them to understand and converse with all intelligent creatures.

Combat: Rogue slaadi attack with two claws (1d6+2 damage each) and bite (2d8 damage) in their natural form. A rogue slaad can polymorph at will into a duplicate of the human or demi-human that spawned it. In their polymorphed humanoid form they attack with any weapons they may be carrying. Rogue slaadi are intelligent, and can use any magical items they happen across. With their might-makes-right attitude, and tendency to grab whatever they want (well, if it works on Limbo...), they're often endowed with many an enchanted sword, wand or other knickknack.

Rogue slaadi have displayed the following abilities, usable one at a time, once per round, at will: darkness, 15' radius, delayed blast fireball (once per day), detect invisibility, detect magic, ESP, fear, locate object, produce flame and telekinesis. No individual rogue slaad has shown all these powers.

Habitat/Society: Rogue slaadi are solitary creatures. They actively avoid all other slaadi, fearing retribution for their past wrongs. While the slaad race as a whole isn't organised enough to actively hunt down or send assassins after rogues, their missing forehead tattoo makes them obvious targets should rogue and non-rogue happen to meet. And if this does occur, the fur (or slime) really starts to fly.

Ecology: Rogue slaadi are obsessed with revenge. They wander the planes, trying to gain followers and power to enable their revenge on the slaadi from whom they are fleeing. Most rogue slaadi prefer their humanoid form for dealing with other races, though this depends on the original host from which they were spawned. It also makes identification of them from the more common slaadi difficult. However, rogue slaadi who were spawned from baatezu or tanar'ri find that members of other races respond better to them in their slaadi form than humanoid.

Some have settled in other areas (even in Sigil) and whilst they can appear established in that area, the desire to return to Limbo to avenge their exile is often their underlying driving force. Several rogue slaad are said to be prominent members of the Pandemonian sect the Dispossessed.

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