Molvi Rahim Khan

Our Astrology

Vastu Shastra

The term Vastu is a Sanskrit word which means "Bhu" or the Earth and is the underlying stratum of existence.

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Palmistry is an ancient practice that has its roots in Asian culture and has been practised in India.

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Career Problem

A good and definitive career is so important that it determines the course of a person’s life and how prosperous one’s life is going to be.

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Marriage Problem

Like every other human being, we descend on the earth plane to cease the old karmas that we have carried along with us from our previous lifetimes.

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Love Astrology

Love is an unexplained thinking which comes and goes like a fever. Smoothly it enters in our life and gives us a never-ending attractive feeling.

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Family Problem

Family is the basic unit of society and is highly regarded in the Indian culture. All members in a family have disparate personalities but they have to function together.

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