Air Dates: September 6, 1958-March 29, 1961

Josh Randall was a Bounty Hunter, a Bounty Hunters (for those of you who are younger than me) were men who would hunt down criminals for money. A Wanted Poster would be printed with the bad guy's name and a likeness, with an amount of money offerred for the bad guys return, sometimes they specified that the guy was wanted alive and other times it didn't matter just as long as he was brought back, thus Wanted Dead or Alive. Sometimes you made more money if he was brought in Alive, because that would be harder to accomplish.

Josh Randall was a loner and a hard man. Steve McQueen played Josh Randall to the fullest. His only only part I think he did better in was when he played in "The Great Escape" . If you truly want to see fantastic acting, watch that movie.

Steve McQueen played Josh Randall

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