Being I  was born in 1954, television was fairly new,  There were only three networks, ABC,CBS,& NBC. We basically watched what was available,and in those early years there was a lot of westerns, almost 30 in one season. But I think I would  have loved the "Westerns" even if we had a hundred chioces of channels and networks.   I have a special place in my heart for the "cowboy" and the Wild West.  The following pages are about some of my favorites. All of the info is as near the truth as I can find, and the comentary is my feelings about the shows. This is a fan's tribute to the West as I was taught by some of the worlds greatest actors and actresses. I hope you enjoy this section. Please visit the other sections also.
The Rifleman
Wagon Train
Bat Masterson
Have Gun, Will Travel
The Rebel Gunsmoke
Wyatt Earp
Wanted: Dead or Alive
Lone Ranger
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