Orthodox Conversion to Judaism
Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi
He labored for twenty years to complete the Tanya before it was printed in 1796.  The work was immediately embraced by the leadership core of the emerging Chassidic movement.
The Tanya is a compilation of Jewish mystical concepts, it presents a systematic approach, both to an individual's moral and spiritual development, and to a conceptual awareness of Divine immanence.  The work is part of the canon of Jewish texts studied in yeshivas today.
Opponents to Chassidim (Misnagdim) turned in Rabbi Schneur Zalman to the Czarist authoroties.  In 1798, two yers after the Tany's publication, Rabbi Schneur Zalman underwent lengthy interrogations in a St. Petersburg prison regarding accusations that his boof was rife with revolutionary sentiments.  Charged with conspiracy against the Czar, he wrote a detailed discourse of refutation.

The mearning tradition is to learn a daily portion of the Tanya, finishing the cycle each year on the 19th of Kislev, date of the liberation of Rabbi Schneur Zalman from Czarist prison.
Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi was the founder of the Chabad-Lubavitch Chassidic Movement.  He also is known as the "Alter Rebbe"
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