Orthodox Conversion to Judaism
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The 24 books of the Tanach
TaNaKh is an acronym as follows:
Torah; the 5 books of Moses   Neviim; Prophets   and Kesuvim; the Holy Writings
T - Five Books of Moses -  Chumash
1. Bereshis (genesis)
2. Shemos (Exodus)
3. VaYikra (leviticus)
4. BaMidbar (Numbers)
5. Devarim (Deuteronomy)
N - Prophets - Neviim
6. Joshua
7. Judges
8. Samuel
9. Kings
10. Isaiah
11. Jeremiah
12. Ezekiel
13. The 12 Prophets
K - Writings - Kesuvim
14. Psalms - Tehilim
15. Proverbs
16. Job
also including....
17. Song of Songs -  Shir Hashirim
18. Ruth
19. Lamentations
20. Ecclestiastes
21. Esther
22. Daniel
23. Ezra and Nehemiah
24. Chronicles
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