Orthodox Conversion to Judaism
The book of Samuel:
What the Tanach contains:
Samuel was born in answer to the prayers of his mother, Chana, and served from his youth in the Tabernacle under the High-Priest, Eli, Who was the last of the Judges.  As a prophet, he anointed Saul to be he first King of Israel, and chose David as Saul's replacement when Saul failed to destroy the Amalekites.  Main themes in the book include: David's slaying of Goliath the Philistine, David's flight from King Saul, and the rebellion of Absalom against his fatjer, King David.
The book of Kings:
King David's son, Solomon ruled over Israel at a time of peace and prosperity and built the First Temple.  After King Solomon's death, Israel was split into two seperate Kingdoms: Judea and Israel.  The Kingdom of Judea consisted of the territory of the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin and was always ruled by the House of King David.  The Kingdom of Israel (the Ten Tribes) consisted of the territory of the rest of Israel.  The Kingdom of Israel was ruled by many different dynasties coming from different Tribes.  Rechovam, Solomon's son, was the first king of the Kingdom of Judea.  Jeroboam, Nevat's son, was the first king and the founder of the Kingdom of Israel.  They were succeeded by other Kings until the destruction of the Temple and the exile to Babylon 410 years later.  Other main topics include: the prophecies of Elijah and Elishah, and Elijah's challenge to the worshipers of the idol "baal" on Mt. Carmel.
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