Fanastic Beast and Magical Creatures
Shape shifters:  XXXX or XXXXX (Depending what you are faced with) Humans that change into animals at night or certain times of the year. To become a shape shifter body fluid has to be exchanged, either blood or salvia.  The difference between a shape shifter and an Animagus is that a wizard can only be Animagus but Muggles can be shape shifters too.  The other thing is that shape shifters have no conscious of self when in animal form.  They only have the thoughts of the beasts they have turned into.  Very few wizards have over come this state.  It usually takes a lot of work and time.  First the person has to be aware of the fact that he or she becomes a shape shifter.  Then has to have friends to help him or her with gaining back his or hers mind and self.  There are many forms of shape shifters.  There are 4 different kinds and each has a sub category.  Their are three sub categories: Muggle, wizard, and willing.  Muggle and wizard are into a beast by body fluid, by accident.  Willing on the other had meant to be turned into the animals.  Their are only certain animals that can actually you can be changed into by accident.   The rest have to be done willing.  There are laws on what animals you can change into.  The forms not allowed to be willing changed into are dragons, werewolves, vampires, basilisk, Acromantula, chimaeras, centaurs, Merpeople, Nunda, quintaped, sphinx, and a troll. There are two monsters on the list that can still be having people become shape shifters.  Those are werewolves and vampires.  It still does happen.  The other two cat orgies of shape shifters are mugie-shape and wiz-shape.  Mugie-shape is wizards that chose to change in to a muggle animal, and wis-shape is wizards who change into a fanatic beasts or magical creature.  A good way to tell if you came face to face with a shape shifter in animal form is to find it in human form.  Any injury that happens while an animal will show up when they change back.  If you show these signs you might be a shape shifter:  unexplained injuries, lapses or time, finding your self at a different place then where you were and don�t know how you got there.  If you have any of these please get help.  Tell a doctor or a friend you trust to put you in a cage and stay up with you around the time that you have these systems.  The reason for the cage is in case you are a dangerous animal, also make sure they are armed with a tranquilizer gun and darts in case you get out and try to hurt them.  Do not reason with a shape shifter, they do not know you when in this form.  Shot first with a tranquilizer gun ask questions later.  To become a mugie or wiz shape has to be done by a potion, containing blood or salvia from the creature you wish to change into.  This can only be done at night.  Anyone who changes into the forbidden forms willing will be killed on sight.  Vampires and Werewolves are xxxxx and the others are xxxx.
Boggart one the other had are Animal shifters.  They fall under shape - shifters because of how the defend themselves agaist wizards.  Please read the links below about werewolf, vampire, and boggarts.
Werewolf Boggart
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