Fanastic Beast and Magical Creatures
Vampires: XXXXX Undead creatures of the night that can turn themselves into bats.  Vampires usually attack humans.  They bit the neck of their victims.  Not all victims become vampires.  To become a vampire you have to drink the vampire�s blood.  This is usually done after he or she bites you, and brings you close to death.  Then the vampire will make a wound on their body and have you drink from it.  Most vampires only do this when they need companionship.  Vampires in the past few decades have taken to blood banks because of HIV.  When a vampire drinks the blood of a person with HIV their body will start rotting away and it will have a distinct odor.  Because of this vampires have began to prefer blood banks, males and virgin women.  They have memories of their past life but have an ensemble need to feed.  The only sure way you can tell you�re face to face with a vampire is if it opens its mouth and you can see its fangs.  Vampires are usually pale until they feed, then they gain color.  Another way to tell is if they touch you and the touch feels ice cold.  Garlic will repel them because of their wonderful sense of smell.  The old way to kill a vampire is a stake thorough the heart, and cutting off its head.  They tend to have long odd shaped nails.  They are usually out of date and seem backward.  They never age or change in appearance unless they have HIV, from time of becoming one.  These are the only shape - shifters who have times of conscious in this state unless needing to feed.  That is because their old life died when they became vampires.  Most vampires used those times to lure their victims until they needed to feed, until the 1970's.  Now they use that time to find a blood bank or a virgin.  If none can be found they will attack males, because the male is has a harder time getting HIV from an infected person.  Some vampires have zombies run HIV testing places and keep records so they can hunt.  They use these places to find out if a person has the disease or not.  Vampires are vain about their appearance.  They tend to live with other vampires, and hunt in packs.  Only trained Slayers should hunt vampires.  They can not go out in the sun because the sun will cause them to burn to death.
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