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Contact: EU library

What is the goal?
The Ramana-library shall be built up step by step, and will (eventually) contain titles in all European languages about Ramana Maharshi, His life, His teaching, His devotees, Sri Arunachala, and the scriptures which He often quoted.
Devotees living within the EU will have the opportunity to obtain Ramana-books to read, which may otherwise have been hard and/or complicated to get.

Who can borrow?
Any member living within the EU can borrow books from the lists.
Restriction is to EU because of mailing costs.

Borrowing is free, but mailing costs have to be taken over when the book is sent to the next reader within the EU. As mailing costs are according to weight, the book format is given in the lists.
Please note: the mailing cost for books is normally reduced, provided that nothing else is added when sending. It should be noted on the envelope, that it contains only books.

Borrowing time
Borrowing time is for 4 weeks from arrival. If no one else has requested to read the book directly after you, this borrowing time can be prolonged.

How does it work?
The idea is that the books shall go on a continuous journey from one devotee to the next.

Whoever wishes to borrow a book from these lists should first contact me and give the title of the requested book along with your postal address. The book will then be sent out from here for the first time within 1 week. When you receive it, you have 4 weeks to read. Please confirm receipt with an e-Mail to me.

If/when the book is requested by someone else after your borrowing time is over, I will write to you and advise of the next postal address. Please send the book on quickly (within 1 week) absorbing all mailing costs. Thank you.
If there is no other request to borrow you may keep the book until there is such a request.
If the requested book has been borrowed by another member, you will be informed how long it should take to arrive with you.

...And a final request
If anyone has a Ramana-book to donate to the library this would of course be very welcome. Thank you.

Kind Regards,
Gabriele Ebert (Germany)
contact address: EU library

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