Works by Sri Ramana Maharshi / Teaching


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The Collected Works of Sri Ramana Maharshi. - 9th rev. ed., Sri Ramanasramam, 2004, normal book format, 318 pp.

Erase the Ego by Sri Ramana Maharshi. - 5th ed., Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 2000, small book format, 56 pp.
(Compilation of the Teachings)

Jewel Garland of Enquiry (Vichara Mana Malai) of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. - reprint of 2nd ed., Sri Ramanasramam, 1996, small blooklet, 24 pp.
(Compilation by Bhagavan of Vichara Sagraham from original Hindi by Mahatma Nischaladas)

Hymns to Sri Arunachala and Upadesa Saram. - reprint, Sri Ramanasramam, 1992, small booklet, 36 pp.
(In Hindi charakter with English Transliteration)

Maharshi's Gospel: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi. - 14th ed., Sri Ramanasramam, 2003, smaller book format, 78 pp.
(Answers of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi to questions put to Him by devotees)

The Poems of Sri Ramana Maharshi. - Tr. by Sadhu Arunachala (Major A.W. Chadwick). - 4th ed., Sri Ramanasramam, 1996, small booklet, 48 pp
(Includes Upadesa Saram, Ulladu Narpadu, Atma Vidya, Five Verses on the Self and other smaller works of Sri Ramana)

The Song Celestial (Verses from the Bhagavad Gita). - Sri Ramanasramam, 1995, small booklet, 31 pp.
(42 verses from Bhagavad Gita selected and reset by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi from The Bhagavad Gita, Sanskrit text with English translation)

The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi. - Shambala, 1988, normal book format, 116 pp.
(Containing biographical sketch, Who am I?, Spiritual Instruction, Maharshi's Gospel, with a foreword by C.G. Jung) excerpts

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi by Munagala Vankataramiah. - reprint, Sri Ramanasramam, 2003, bigger book format, 683 pp.
(An extensive diary of dialogues with Sri Ramana covering the period 1935 to 1939)

The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi ed. by Arthur Osborne. - Samuel Weiser, 1996, normal book format, 200 pp.
(An extensive compilation of Bhagavan's teachings covering a wide range of subjects including theory, practice, the guru, Self-Enquiry, the goal etc.) excerpts

Truth Revealed (Sad-Vidya). - reprint of 7th ed., Sri Ramanasramam, 1998, small booklet, 29 pp.
(English version of Forty Verses on Reality and Supplement, including a synopsis)

Upadesa Saram (Upadesa Undiyar) of Sri Ramana Maharshi. - Tr. and Com. B.V. by Narasimha Swami. - reprint, Sri Ramanasramam, 1999, small book format, 84 pp.
(Includes summery and verse by verse commentary with Tamil text)

The Works of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi in His Own Handwriting. - Sri Ramanasramam, 2002, normal book format, 158 pp.
(With selected translations)

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