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Some real Incredible stuff

  • Think Short :

How many short objects can you think of around you ? There's your kid brother or sister, the trousers you used to wear in third grade, your Science teacher's temper etc.

The shortest man recorded however was 67 cm tall. Calvin Phillips was born in 1791 in the United States. Almost a century later in 1876 the shortest women was born in the Netherlands. She was 59 cm tall. Talk about SHORT ! .

  • Pain in the Neck :

The Japanese shorten feet, The Masai tribe elongate ears and the Padaugn and Kareni people of Burma concentrate on necks. No, they don't cut them! rather they add copper coils around them as the child grows. Thus 40 cm long necks are not unusual. Now, that's what I call STRETCHING MATTERS TOO FAR ! .

  • Brain Fever :

My mother is constantly complaining about my obvious lack of brains but there was a man who never gave his mum any cause for complaint.

Russian author Ivan Turgeniev had the heaviest recorded brain. It weighed 41 lb. 6 oz. An average male brain weighs 21 lb. 2 oz.

A 31 year old women whose brain was weighed in 1977 ( after her death ) was a different matter altogether. She had the lightest brain ever recorded, weighing 2 lb. 7 oz.

  • Scratch Scratch :

In 1925, a man in Puna, India finally got sick of cutting his nails every week and decided to grow them. On April 8th, 1985 when Shridhar Chillal had them measured, all the nails on his left arm measured 363 cm together. The thumb nail alone was 87.6 cm long. ( Wouldn't wanna make this man angry! )

  • Hare Snare:

The things human beings have done with their hair is unbelievable. Unlike some people who wash and forget, Gorgia Sabrantke of Germany grew hers until it was 9 ft 8.5 inches long, not a length that can be ignored!

  • Chatter Box :

Mother says I talk too much, my friends bet on it, and my teacher despairs but,I'm perfectly willing to admit that Steve Woodmore has really beaten me!. A man who can say 637 intelligible words in a minute, that's about 10.25 words per second, is a man to be honored and respected forever! . You can visit his page right here!

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