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Here are the pages that are included in my Special Pages category :

This is the place from where you can know more about my own mailing list. You can even join the growing list of subscribers from here!


Yes! Free Email is here. With the enormous speed at which the web is growing these kinda things are gonna become more and more common. In association with I've created my site's own free email service! ... Get your own permanent free email address (web-based or forwarding) at a cool domain! [email protected]


The free phone call service has unfortunately been stopped by amid slipping US economy. We all hope they go back up again soon and let people avail this fantastic service once again for free!


Are you good enough to get over a quiz??? If yes then come here to test your knowledge. I've collected a bunch of some interesting questions for you to solve. The score will be emailed to you soon after you complete the quiz!


A really useful page to find help on. Contains article ' Introduction to HTML ' which gives you the complete introduction you need to get started on HTML. + contains some info on HTML 4.0 too!. Also contains links to many useful sites and contains some really cool downloadable tools too!


Currently the top most visited page in my web site and also surely one of the coolest on the web. Contains tons and tons of links related to finding help resources such as on HTML, Java, JavaScript , CGI-Script and lots more! Everything you need for helping yourself about any of these topics can be found here. A must visit page for everyone in this world!


A really cool scientific calculator made in FLASH. If you have the Plug-In installed you can easily enjoy the awesome scientific calculator that contains all the functions of a calculator that you have in your homes and maybe more! ... See it now!


Buy books from the earth's largest online bookstore, Amazon! I'm an associate for them. From here you can select any book you want from my ' Cool List' of books or if you're searching for anything else then you can find that too with the help of an search box.


Come over here and check out what's the real n official stuff for this web site. From which software it was designed, with which browser it is best viewed ...... with which Graphics Editor I created the images for myself and what are the official themes of this site. See it all here!


Whoa !!! what a movie this was. Winner of 11 Oscars !!! It was easily one of the best films of the century. I simply love it. Now, here on the biggest section of my web site you'll find everything you need to know about this great movie. Info on its top actors ... audio n video clips ... interviews ... everything's right here! So it shouldn't take much more time for you to enter this zone ... :)


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