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Ready for the quiz!!! , Lets start

NOTE : This quiz consists of three sections, general knowledge , sports and mind bogglers! Each section comprises of five questions making 15 questions in all. You have to answer all the questions. Each correct answer carries 1 point.

Good Luck!

P.S. Don't forget to enter your email because I'll need it to email you the score

Personal Info

Gender Male Female Age yrs

Section 1 : General Knowledge

  1. The Capital of Australia is :

  2. 'Sofia' ( its a name of a city ) ... is in :

  3. Telephone was invented by

  4. What is a Scalene Triangle :

  5. How long does a day on mars last? (In earth hours) :

Section 2 : Sports

  1. Phil Jackson who guided Chicago Bulls to glory is now with which NBA team :

  2. Marion Jones won how many gold medals at the Sydney 2000 Olympics :

  3. Mike Tyson defeated Julius Francis in which round :

  4. 2001 Australian Open ( Men ) was won by :

  5. Which team has won the latest UEFA Champions League :

Section 3 : Mind Bogglers

  1. In this series what comes next? 1, 4, 8, 13

  2. A boat always has

  3. Twenty percent of 25% of 20 is

  4. If all fish can walk then trout can

  5. Ten men can paint 30 houses in 60 days, so five men can paint 15 houses in

Well Folks, That's all.

If all your answers are correct then you'll soon receive a congrats mail.

Your Score ( Depend upon how many questions you answered were correct )
Every correct answer gets 1 point for you!

You'll receive an email with any of the following phrases in the subject line

13 or above - Man! you're a Genius
9 to 12 - Good Work!
5 to 8 - Satisfactory Effort
Less than 5 - You need Improvement!


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