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Annie Humphrey

Annie Humphrey Being an Indian singer, people expect certain things, but I don't want to be limited in what I can sing about. My Indian heritage is part of who I am, so some of it comes out in my music, but I sing about a variety of human conditions. I just want to tell the truth about the world as I see it."

- Annie Humphrey


Humphrey was born and raised on an Ojibwe Indian reservation in Northern Minnesota where she learned first hand the struggles of growing up as a minority. Eager to explore a wider world, she left the reservation and joined the United States Marines, traveled the country coast to coast, and was stationed in Japan. When Annie returned home to her Ojibwe homeland, it was on her own terms. She's now living close to nature, no electricity, no running water, in an A-frame cabin she helped build.

A strong, determined, complex woman, whose life experiences can be heard in her vocals, Humphrey says she doesn't want to serve as a spokesperson for any particular group, yet she doesn't hesitate to use her music to call attention to causes in which she believes. Humphrey does more than just sing, however. She works at local prisons writing newsletters and singing for inmates. She is dedicated to preserving the land and protecting wildlife and natural medicines. Humphrey supports efforts to control logging in the Chippewa National Forest. She also teaches traditional skills (beadwork, wild rice harvesting, maple sugaring) to reservation youth.

Humphrey wrote the music for all of the tunes on the album except "Falling Down and Falling Apart," a song written by Sherman Alexie ("Smoke Signals") and Jim Boyd. Her mother, the noted author Anne Dunn, was the inspiration behind "500 Years." Adrian Liberty, Anne Dunn and Humphrey wrote "See Her," while "I Can See You" is Humphrey's solo composition. Annie's primary writing partner, Carson Gardner, wrote many of the album's lyrics. Gardner, a unique story himself, gave up a lucrative medical practice in order to better serve those in need on the reservation. The CD's title track details Carson's personal conversion, a remarkable story of a great blue heron that visited Gardner and literally changed his life.

Feeling stifled by the reservation, Humphrey joined the Marines, left Minnesota for the first time, went to Boot Camp in South Carolina, and was stationed in Okinawa where she played in two bands. She sang songs by Natalie Merchant and Edie Brickell for one band, while the other band was heavy metal covering Ozzy Osborne, Metallica, and Judas Priest - "I learned to scream the words." The rest of her time in the Corps was at Camp Pendleton in San Diego where she joined up with a pop-rock group "in the vein of the Dave Matthews Band." After completing her tour with the Marines, Humphrey went on to training at a Police Academy. She graduated with honors, but decided not to pursue a career in law enforcement. The pull of music and her need to express herself was growing stronger. After hearing Reba McEntire say the most valuable lesson ever taught her was to sing from the heart, Humphrey got out her guitar and started writing songs again.

While attending the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, she began performing professionally at coffee houses. "At college I concentrated on art -- painting, sculpture, and art history." Humphrey recorded her first solo album, the regionally-distributed Justice Hunter, in 1995. She moved back to the Ojibwe Reservation and began performing at schools, educational workshops, rallies for battered women and coffee houses throughout Northern Minnesota. She sang in the musical "Tribe" at The Ordway Theatre in St. Paul. Her first national exposure came on the album The Whispering Tree (released by Makoché), an album of poetry and music by various artists, featuring Humphrey singing on three tunes.

"My music addresses many of the things I feel strongly about," says Humphrey. "Love is hard to find and should be cherished. We need to care for children wherever they are in the world. Alcoholism and abuse are human problems everywhere. People everywhere need healing. No one should judge another person by the color of their skin. I consider anyone who walks in a sacred way and honors the earth to be indigenous to our planet."

HAvailable from Annie Humphrey...

The Heron Smiled

The Heron Smiledicon



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