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"10 Rules For A New Slave"
Author Unknown
1. Obey your Master fully, immediately and silently, except for �Master� or "Yes, Sir!". Do not attempt to understand reason behind command. It is not your concern.

2. Never question your Master in public. A Master is judged by the slaves he keeps. A hesitant or disobedient slave is the worst possible reflection on him.

3. Every statement or question directed to your Master should contain the word SIR or Master. It is a sign of respect and puts what you are about to say in the proper perspective.

4. Chairs and couches are forbidden to you from now on. Stand at all times unless your Master gives you permission to sit, then sit at his feet. It may be necessary for you to kneel or lie down to perform certain duties. Your Master will instruct you concerning this.

5. Wear your chains and marks with pride. Your Master cares enough for you to want you to be identified as his property.

6. Accept your punishment gratefully. You may have done nothing intentionally, yet you still need a change of attitude or bearing. Always thank your Master at the end of these sessions.

7. Sexual matters are exclusively your Master's concern. He will tell you what he wants and when. Never question his judgment. If he requires something, which you feel is beyond you, relax and be quiet: he may be trying to help you become a better slave by expanding your experience in this area.

8. Forget any "limits" you may have had: those are for weekend slavery trips. Your Master wants to protect his property and will do nothing to endanger it.

9. Take care of your health. A sick slave is a burden to his Master.

10. Always be available to your Master, but stay out of his hair. He has more important things to do than supervise you 24 hours a day.
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