The Cat

by Arren

Chapter Two


Slim Sherman stood on the front porch of his home looking up into the early winter night sky. Dusk was his favorite time and often he would come outside while Daisy was putting dinner on the table, just to watch the stars come out. Usually Jess was with him, sitting in the rocking chair either whittling or braiding rope. Jess always had to be doing something. He could never just sit.


Today had been an especially pretty day, and Slim hated that he had been forced to stay inside for much of it. The superintendent of the stage line, a Mister Brooks, had come early and stayed late and had brought a company accountant with him. Slim understood the visit, it happened about once a year, but he hated that Brooks insisted that he be available for questions. When the four o�clock stage rolled in and Brooks made overtures about leaving on it to head back to town, Slim did not make any offer to the two of them for dinner, and glared at Daisy lest she invite them. She got the message and kept silent. The two men boarded the stage with the assurance that they would be back to finish up tomorrow after breakfast.


After they left, Slim had about three hours of freedom to be outside before it got dark, and he busied himself with chores. Not that he usually enjoyed chores, but he was grateful on this occasion just to be out of the house on such a beautiful day. What was left of it.


Watching the full moon rise, Slim thought of Jess up at the line shack where he really wanted to be. Every year they both looked forward to their trip up there, and this year he was cheated out of the trip by that weasel Brooks. Jess was probably up there working up a huge appetite, working hard in the big open, and then he�d go back to the line shack and cook dinner over the fire in the little cabin.


Dinner always tasted special up there. Maybe it was the mountain air. Maybe it was just the fun they had working up their appetites and then breaking open the hoard of supplies that Daisy always packed for them. She always put in some little surprise that spiced up their meals. Last year it was canned peaches. She had bought them secretly in town and then hidden them until time for Slim and Jess to go. When she packed their supplies, she stashed two jars down in the very bottom of the bag where they would have to dig for them. Peaches were a rare delicacy in this part of the country and Daisy gave them, and a little piece of herself to make their trip memorable.


Slim smiled as he remembered last year�s trip, and thought about what Jess was probably doing right now. He had tried to get Jess to wait, but his argument was weak. He knew that the snow could start at any time up there. They had already waited later than usual because Daisy had taken ill with a bad cold and they needed to be around to help out with Mike and the chores. The teams were always handled by Ben who would come out from town while he and Jess were away, but they couldn�t ask Ben to cook and take care of Mike as well. They delayed their trip by two weeks because of that, and then when the day was set for them to leave, the telegram came from Brooks.


Slim smiled remembering the argument he and Jess had last night. It wasn�t a serious argument, but Slim had to put up some kind of fuss. He couldn�t make it easy on Jess. A little guilt was good for the soul.


Slim�s thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the front door. A rectangle of yellow lamplight spilled out onto the darkened porch. �Slim, supper�s on the table. Come on in before it gets cold.�


�I�m comin�, Daisy,� he threw back over his shoulder. Slim straightened up from where he was leaning heavily on the porch support and turned to go into the house. Once inside, he turned and glanced up at the full moon one more time, and closed the door.


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