
Geo George marries Georgia Lyn

Thursday, 13 Feb 2003

Eyewitnesses' Accounts from Bhaski's Reception

Thursday, 2 Dec 1999

From: "Rajasekaran"
To: "rsk" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 08:54:59 +0530
Subject: Bhaskar's Reception

Hi folks

well had been to Bhaskar's Reception last night. held at New Woodlands hotel near Cathedral road (for those familiar with Chennai). Ramanan and I were the sole representative from 1990 batch. Nothing much to say except that we had had a go at bhaskar thru'out the reception, what do we lose.

Well for other details over to Bhaskar.



From: Ramanan SV
To: "'RSK-egroups'" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 10:11:38 +0530
Subject: No Subject


I am back.

Rajsekhar gave you the official version of the reception. now for some gossip,

" Bhasker's parents stay at Ashok Nagar, stone throw away from my house. Bhasker and Dr. Krithiga leave at 09:00 p.m to their apartment at Adayar ( 15kms away) to spend the night alone. Bhasker woke up at 08:30a.m on 2nd Dec, after a long days work... and immediately called me to check if I was coming for the reception.

I have promised Krithiga to tell more... about Bhasker. Anybody willing to contribute!!! "

Raj, I think you can use this in your update. Nicholas Bhasker and Raghavan attended the wedding. Are you guys too.. busy to send in your report.

Forgot to add, the food was good. Eating normal food without restriction after a month...the food was just too good.

more later,


Mini-Reunion in Chicago on Aug 7

Here is the report from Peter Cyril Jones:

Here it is Folks!
The Northern Conference!

The Attendees (in alphabetical order):
Krithika Ketkar
Somu Palaniappan
Peter Cyril Jones

Location and Date:
Chicago, 7th August 1999

The plan for the foursome was to meet at Krithika’s Place on 7th morn. Palaniappan driving from Detroit picked me (Peter Cyril Jones) up at Lansing, which was on the way to Chicago. Palani and I made a 300mile trip to reach the place. Suresh had to drive 175miles to do the same.
All of us had some inhibitions in meeting our own people after a long time. Palani knocked my door and I was surprised to see him look the same as he was in the Twelfth Standard with some vertical and lateral improvement. Though he looked the same, he didn’t talk the same. He has developed a perfect American accent that may lead to confusion for people talking to his answering machine.

However, he did not find anything new about me except for a distinct moustache.

On the way to Chicago, lots of topics came up but I was happy to know that Palani is one of the guys in this world designing Airbags and Seat belts for cars.

We reached Krithika’s place around noon. We had a warm welcome from Ashutosh and Krithika. Krithika and I had no trouble identifying each other, but Palani and Krithika were happy to get their doubtful mental pictures right.
Krithika looks charming as ever, but there is a tinge of seriousness in her face. She offered a light snack and was getting ready to prepare Pav Bhaji (Channa and Bread)
We were waiting for Suresh, famished, which the hostess found out soon and started hurrying up things in the kitchen. Then Suresh arrived. He still has the "Chubby Cheek, Dimple Chin" look. He identified me easily, or at least that’s what he said. He was happy to recognize Palani, and then the thing happened. He could not get a clue as to who was Krithika and said "Krithika! I don’t recognize you". Then we tried giving cue incidents of the past for him to refresh his long lost mental picture of Krithika, but were of no avail.

Then we started our gossip, going back up to the KGs. Incidentally, all four of us started our schooling right from the KGs at RSK. Suresh and I were a little vocal of our past secret desires than the rest. Yeah! Krithika and Palani are married. We were talking about KG II classes when we were all supposed to sleep in the classroom during the first two periods in the afternoon. I guess we all mastered that art by the time we were in the Main School. Suresh was sharp enough to recollect that during those sleeping sessions, bed-wetting was a frequent issue generally among the kids.

Krithika and I were claiming that we joined school before we were three years of age owing to our working parents.
We talked about Evangeline Turnbull Miss, Geralyn Miss (the lady I wished to marry when I was in III Std) and many other primary school teachers. We talked about Shamshath Begum and other kids who left our school earlier. We talked about punishments we received. We even discussed primary school politics and how Premjith/Bhaskar became the Captain in primary school. "Thirumalai and his nicknames" for almost everyone was an interesting topic. That included DurBurKhan, Grenshaw and many other wildest and vilest names. Another topic was, who all had crush on who all. This topic was amazing, so it is better we don’t put on Black and White.

Other things that came up in the gossip was:

  • Anjali Leekha- Making of a Girls SPL
  • Gopi Chandran and his Brigadier talk
  • Sports Days, Parents Days, Favorite teachers,"English Teachers"
  • NCC washing allowance, 3-Parottas and gravy from Bharat hotel
  • Girls NCC and Siji Joseph, the best cadet
  • LDA, Main School Elections
  • Bro.Augustine Novello and Bro.Vincent
  • Cane Kings Bro.Joseph and Britto Sir of "Go and shave cats and dogs" fame.

We sure talked a lot, guys. It was fun. It would have been more interesting if many of us were there.

After hours of gossip, we decided to check out Chicago. We went to the Navy Pier all in one car discussing about future goals all other ambitious stuff. Suresh wants to pursue higher degrees it seems, Palani is quite happy with his Masters and Krithika, is doing a variety of courses, and I feel, I cannot take books anymore. Then, we parked the car on the top most deck of a multi-storey parking lot. We then went for a Boat Ride at the pier. We were through with it at around 9.00pm and were strolling till 10.00pm. Then went to Downtown Planet Hollywood, had Cocktails and dinner. We were the lasts to come out of the restaurant, and by then we were preparing ourselves to part. In fact, all of us wanted to talk more, mind was willing, and body was weak, so we decided to split. We checked our watches, it was 2.30am, Krithika and her husband were good enough to accommodate Palani and me at their place. Suresh left for his friend’s place and in the morning we left Krithika’s place.

The Reunion was just a matter of hours, but it mattered so much for us when it ended.

Take it from me, when we meet it is real good.

Flight Officer R K Prabhu at the Battlefront

Monday, June 14, 1999

All RSKites can take pride in the fact that R K Prabhu will be part of our air force on the ready to take on infiltrators in the border. [Some may remember him as Thirumalai. He's had his name changed recently.]

Guys Meet Up In Bangalore

Monday, June 7, 1999

Some of the CON Gang have met in Bangalore. Here are the accounts of an actual eye-witness:

Hi All,

This is what happened ....

Chain, Krish, Prem, Niki & I meet at about 6:30.

We went to NASA (the Pub),and downed 3 pitchers, Niki stuck to lime soda, we tried to talk over the jarring music. The news of the meeting was, that Prem is gonna get married on Jan 9th Y2k.The girl was his junior in IIMc and is now placed in Bombay. She is a Mallu from Trishur and her name is Lakshmi.

We were in NASA till about 8:10, we also saw the laser show in NASA (not as impressive as the last time I saw it there).I took a couple of snaps.

We strolled over to Mota Arcade, There we see Shyam waiting outside. The 1st question he asks is U guys boozed already. We convince him we can have another round. We go into 'The Only Place' the waiter says No Booze. we walk out and go to Coconut Grove.

Over some more booze some of the topics are ...
- Niki is staying in TAJ residency on Cisco's expense account.
- All of us talk about what we are doing ...
- Prem. talks of some funny stuff in his IITk and IIMc days.
- General update on what all other CoN people are up to.
- Every one asks every one of their marriage plans, all reply in a very diplomatic manner.

We eat good Manglorean/Mallu food.

@ about 11:30 we wind up, we tell each other that we'll try to keep in touch more often.

Thats all folks,

PS: I zipped home, woke up late missed my office bus, so slept some more, later .. found my bike has a puncture,get it mended reach office at Noon....

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