
We stayed in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, for one night. We had a short tour of the city with a local guide who was very enthusiastic about promoting Minsk and Belarus in general. It's a relatively large country in Europe, yet one of the least known. A lot of people say that's because there's not a lot to see. It seems to gain most of its tourism from visitors in transit to or from Russia.

The Svisloch River in Minsk's city centre.


A monument on the Island of Tears.
It is for those killed in the Soviet war with Afghanistan


A road in Minsk's city centre. The power lines are for the buses.


Minsk's town hall.

Interesting facts about Belarus:
About ten million people live in Belarus and almost 2 million in Minsk.

When Minsk was occupied during World War II, 80% of the homes were destroyed and the city centre flattened.

The Chernobyl explosion in 1986, which was 200 times stronger than the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, had a terrible effect on Belarus. 70% of all radioactive dust settled in the country.

At various times in history, Minsk has been a part of Poland, Lithuania and Russia.

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I want to visit another country!
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