My Karate Newsletter by Steve Denoo

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This time I thought a story would be nice.

Matajuro and the art of the sword

My Cadillacs'

Body Conditioning

Fundamentals - The Basics

Kata Patterns and more

Special Training Ideas for better Karate


This month: A Story

Matajuro Yagyu, son of a renowned master of the sword, was relegated by his father, who believed his efforts were not sufficient to become a true master. Matajuro, who had decided, despite everything, to conquer that objective, traveled to mount Futara with the intent of finding the famous master Banzo, but this master only confirmed his father's judgement:

You do not fill the requirements.

But, if I work hard, how many years does take for me to become a master? insisted the young man.

The rest of your life - answered Banzo.

I can not wait that long. I am willing to endure whatever it takes to learn with you. If I become your devoted servant, how long will it take?

Oh, perhaps some ten years.

Well, my father grows ill and, before long I will have to take care of him. If I work even harder, how long will it take?

Oh, perhaps some thirty years.

I do not understand. First it was ten years, now it's thirty. Believe me, I am willing to endure anything to master this art as soon as possible.

Well, in that case, you will have to spend seventy years with me. A man that anxious for results can not learn fast enough - explained Banzo.

Very well - declared Matajuro, I finally understand that you were losing your patience - I accept to become your servant.

It was then demanded of Matajuro that he would not speak of the art of the sword or touch a sword again. He served the master, preparing his meals, cleaning his rooms and tending to his garden, always without uttering a single word about the art of the sword. He was even forbidden to watch the training of the other students.

Three years passed and Matajuro, always working, thinking often of his misfortune, since he could still not devote his life to study of the art he had chosen. One day, while he was tending his chores, lost in his sad thoughts, Banzo crept close to him, and struck him hard on his back with the bokken. On the next day, Matajuro was preparing the rice and the master attacked him again, when he least expected. From that day forward, Matajuro was forced to defend himself day and night from the sudden attacks of Banzo. Always alert to avoid the sword of the master.

He learnt so quickly that his concentration, his speed and a sort of sixth sense enabled him to avoid Banzo's attacks. Then one day, before completing ten years after his arrival, the master told him he had nothing more to teach him.

How to Get Started and Put an End to Procrastination Forever

With the energy and enthusiasm of a teenager, Caroline Edwards finished her last push up and stood to cheers and applause from the crowd. She smiled softly and took a well- deserved bow.

Shortly to follow was her husband, whose daily routine included 400 sits ups and 200 push ups among a handful of other exercises that would test even the most fit of people. After his brief demonstration of youthful strength, Fred and his wife walked over to the talk show host to share their story.

'I wasn't always in shape,' Fred began, 'there was quite a stretch of time when I could barely touch my toes.'
'I remember that,' his wife laughed. 'I wasn't too healthy either. I was facing some serious risks and needed to make some changes.'

This loving couple worked out every single day doing hundreds of push ups, sit ups, squats, along with running several miles around their quiet neighborhood.
Nothing too special for a twenty or thirty year old. Not even that amazing for someone in their forties or fifties.

But when you're 93 and 89 years old, that's something special.

'I started working toward my goal when I was 65,' said Fred.

'I only wish I had started sooner.'

His wife agreed. 'You're never too old to start doing what you want to do, but you lose precious time while you wait to begin.'
Absolute wisdom from the lips of an 89 year-old woman whose heart, mind, and body belonged to a much younger girl.
Timing is a central issue when it comes to happiness. While many put their desires off until there is little time left to achieve them others feel their time has already passed.

Take Caroline's advice: You're never too old to start doing what you want to do, but you lose precious time while you wait to begin.
A lot of people that I work with have a misconception about happiness and success, thinking that you either start doing what you love right out of school or the chance is lost forever.
They feel locked into a life that is far from what they had planned on living, and the remainder of life is ripe with regret.

Bob Newhart, considered to be one of the greatest comics of all time, started out as an accountant. Imagine where he would be today had he felt locked into a sub par life. He made changes and knew that it was never too late to begin following your dream.
For every Bob Newhart who takes a chance at a better life there are ten thousand who let life pass them by. What kind of person are you?

You have goals - we all do - but we all won't achieve them. Only those who act on their dreams and desires will enjoy the amazing opportunities that life has to offer.
And so, the secret to ending procrastination forever is to follow the simple rule of timing.

There is only one right time and only one wrong time - now and later.

Apply this rule to your dreams and you will have no problem getting motivated to improve your life. Follow the example of Fred and Caroline Edwards and Mr. Newhart and take the first step toward your dreams and desires.
How about that?