Sailormoon Dusk










  Nesheph Kinseisei

The Sailormoon Millennia Trilogy by Janelle J.- This is where it all began.

Neo Millennium by Lizzie - My first fanfic, Dusk is the sequel to this.

SM Rebirth by Saine - The Canadian answer to the Portuguese domination plan. Could there possibly be anymore doom?

Dark Ages by Saine - Rebirth's prequel answers the above question: Yes, there could.

SM Ilium by Saine - Sailormoon, Trojan war style! The doom continues...

SM Trinity (Goddess, Electrum, Legend) by Cinue - Quite possibly the bitchiest Princess Shizuki ever. Who is the False Queen?

SM Moonlight & SM Stargazer by Shirahime - And here we have the bitchiest Princess of Star, as well as the first Trilogy prequel.

SM Cyber by Avisynh - Another gorgeous Libra Knight here... with a twist.

SM Intrepid by Avisynh- Minako's language is not for kiddies...

Sailormoon Millennia Trilogy Spinoffs by Silverpheonix - More spinoffs than you can shake a Golden Key at.

SM Ascencion by Silverpheonix- As if Silverpheonix didn't have enough spinoffs on her hands, she still manages to write this stand-alone spinoff, too.

SM Constellation by Callisto Phalan- A trilogy spinoff that takes place between Zodiac and Neo, the only one of it's kind.

SM Purity by Hoshie- So many Hisakino kids, so little time!

SM Mystique by Ariake - This fabulous artist's whimsical drawing style comes through in her writing as well.

Leslie's Page - Not a spinoff, but the home of a fanartist who's helped Trilogy spinoff writers with their fanart needs.













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