Sailormoon Dusk












Name: Donovan Summers
Meaning: Dark Warrior of Summer
Birthday: October 23
Age: 19
Sign: Scorpio
Favorite Color: Black
Likes: Music, being witj family and friends
Dislikes: Being alone, feeling out of place
Dream: To find the woman in his dreams
Parents: Miaka (Donovan) Summers and Alan Summers
Residence: Nova Coimbra, Lusitania
Artwork by: N/A

About Donovan:
Like his sister, Adair, Donovan is an agent of the Prismatic Empire's Secret Service. But unlike Adair, his only job his to keep an eye on Amalia. With his parents and sister busy with the family business, he has always felt somewhat alone, even if his mother dotes upon him at every chance and he knows Adair and Alan love him. Anastacia and Amalia have become a second family to him, and he would do anything for them both. Soon after returning from Kinsei as an exchange student, he has had dreams of a woman calling out to him. He doesn't know who she is, only that he wants desperately to find her.

As Kokab Autumnstar Knight, his powers derive from decay. While his powers aren't as impressive as Summerstar and Winterstar, nor is it as versatile as Springstar's, it gets the job done. While his powers cannot be used to kill, he doubts he'd be able to kill anyone even if he had the power to anyway. He is the backbone of Summerstar's leadership, and helps manuever Springstar and Winterstar out of the other's way.

Henshin Phrase: Autumn Astral Power, Transform!
Attack: Autumn Life Decay
Autumnstar's attack calls upon the autumn element of decay to drain the energy out of any living thing. However, he can only to this to the very brink of death; he cannot kill.
Other Powers: N/A

















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