Sailormoon Dusk











Name: Shiratori Kanemi
Meaning: Beautiful Gold Swan
Birthday: July 31
Age: 19
Sign: Leo
Favorite Color: Gold
Likes: Fame, beauty
Dislikes: Rudeness, insincerity
Dream: To be a real actress
Parents: Shiratori (Seijitsu) Minako and Shiratori Akira
Residence: Magellan Castle, Venus
Artwork by: N/A

About Kanemi:
Kanemi, despite taking on her full name of Princess Shiratori Kanemi de Kinsei at age 18, is more likely to be recognized as K-chan, actress, model, singer, seiyuu, and idol extraordinaire. She started at a very young age, and for a long time was happy with just the fame. But as she grows older, she wants more control over her image. She hates people who suck up to her because she is a princess and an idol. She gets along best with her adoptive sister, Daniella, despite the fact that the girls are almost complete opposites.

As Nesheph Kinsei, she isn't all that strong, but is looked up to by the most of the other Inners, who are younger. Like her mother before her, she knows that the true power of the senshi team depends on unity, not the strength of individual members. She will not tolerate fighting within the group.

Henshin Phrase: Kinsei Dusk Power, Makeup!
Attack: Golden Illumination
Nesheph Kinsei cries these words out, and the Kinwa glimmers with golden energy as she points at her target, sending a beam of golden energy at them. It's not very strong.
Other Powers: While wearing the Kinwa, Kanemi has a very weak form of empathy.
Weapon: The Kinwa

















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