Sailormoon Dusk












Name: Hana Hades
Meaning: Flower of the Underworld
Birthday: April 23
Age: 19
Sign: Taurus
Favorite Color: Burgundy
Likes: Being around people, her Aunt Chiharu
Dislikes: Her cowardice, the Gates of Time
Dream: To be brave
Parents: Aaron Hades and Hoshiko (Seijitsu) Hades
Miranda Castle, Uranus
Artwork by: Lizzie

About Sarah:
Unlike her twin, Hana is quiet, withdrawn, and afraid of her own shadow. From an early age, Chiharu has been a central figure in Hana's life, even if she was only a voice in the girl's head. For reasons she doesn't know, Hana keeps relationship with her aunt from her parents, whom she rarely sees anyway. She was relieved when Chiharu didn't pass on her powers at Hana's coming of age, because being a senshi scares her more than almost anything else. The only thing that she fears more is being sent to the gates of Time and being alone forever.

As Nesheph Sailormeiousei, she spends most of her effort trying to keep a lid on her fears and staying out of dange which keeps her from being as effective as she could be. Instead, she lets the other Outers take the lead, attacking only when she has no choice. And yet, she truly does wish she was braver and is sometimes resentful of her sister's overprotectiveness.

Henshin Phrase: Meiousei Dusk Power, Makeup!
Swirled Storm
Nesheph Meiousei says these words as the Swirled Orb begins to glow, sending a ball of milky white and burgundy energy at her target. It doesn't do much more than stun them for a while.

Other Powers:
If she concentrates hard enough, she can use the Swirled Orb to bend the laws of time, space and nature. She's not very good at this, however. If she uses it to stop time, she will die and be banished to the Gates.
The Swirled Staff


















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