Sailormoon Dusk












Name: Anastacia Oliveira
Meaning: Reborn Olive Tree
Birthday: April 11
Age: 18
Sign: Aries
Favorite Color: Magenta
Likes: Glam rock, performing
Dislikes: Restrictions, snobs
Dream: To be a rockstar
Parents: Renée (Thomas) Oliveira and Lucas Oliveira
Residence: Nova Coimbra, Lusitania
Artwork by: N/A

About Anastacia:
With Anastacia, there's never a dull moment. She's always in your face and up for anything, usually something she came up with. She loves to perform, and so when she learned about Amalia and Donovan's interest in music, she decided that they should be a rock band... with her as lead singer of course. She likes living large and free, not conforming to the mold that people would place the daughter of a former Zodiac in. If anything, she acts the way she does to spite anyone who would tie her down.

As Kokab Sailorspringstar, her power over living things may not appear to be as useful as the other Kokab senshi, but she uses her unbridled creativity to use it in ways none of her predecessors have. In fact, she's learned how to trick living cells to heal themselves, making her invaluable. Other than her occassional spats with Winterstar, she's as good a senshi as you could expect.

Henshin Phrase: Spring Astral Power, Makeup!
Attack: Spring Life Renewal
Springstar calls upon the spring element of birth and even life itself with this attack. While it doesn't seem as powerful as Winterstar and Summerstar's hard hitting elemental attacks, a little creativity with this attack goes a long way. She can manipulate the very cells of any living thing, or create new life, though it's not known if Anastacia has the focus to do that on a human level.
Other Powers: Anastacia can speak with any living thing

















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