Sailormoon Dusk












Name: Adair Summers
Meaning: Exalted Summers
Birthday: August 8
Age: 20
Sign: Leo
Favorite Color: Red
Likes: Men, 'the family business'
Dislikes: Infanta Patricia, prudes
Dream: To outdo both her parents exploits
Parents: Alan Summers and Miaka (Donovan) Summers
Residence: The Summers Estates, Star
Artwork by: N/A

About Adair:
Most people only see Adair Summers as the Prismatic Empire's most infamous socialite and the Infanta Patricia's closest confidante. While Adair does enjoy brushing shoulder's with Star's elite, there's more to her than that. With parents like Alan and Miaka, is it any surprise that she's the Prismatic Empire's greatest undercover agent? Of course, she doesn't believe it. If anything, se thinks she's lost her touch, reckoning that babysitting Patricia is a step down from her usual slipping into foreign embassies, eliminating would be royal assassins, and the like.

As Kokab Sailorsummerstar, her powers derive from heat and fire. She is the true leader of the Kokab senshi, not so much because she's the most powerful, but that she's the only one they all respect. She makes it look like Winterstar's in charge, to keep the peace but Springstar and Autumnstar know better.

Henshin Phrase: Summer Astral Power, Makeup!
Attack: Summer Heat Inferno
Summerstar's attack is fueled by the summer elements of fire and heat. She is able to do anything from light a small fire to making whole suns burn hotter or incinerating entire planets. Unlike the other Kokab senshi, she is very focused, so there is no limit to what she can do.
Other Powers: Her fingernails can extend into deadly claws both in and out of senshi form. But, unlike her mother and gradmother, Adair's claws are not poisoned.

















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