Sailormoon Dusk












Name: Sarah Hades
Meaning: Princess of the Underworld
Birthday: April 22
Age: 19
Sign: Aries
Favorite Color: Gold
Likes: Being admired, exploring
Dislikes: Being upstaged, staying in one place for long
Dream: To be the greatest senshi ever
Parents: Hoshiko (Seijitsu) Hades and Aaron Hades
Miranda Castle, Uranus

About Sarah:
Sarah inherited her mother's charisma, but instead of dedicating it to performing like her cousin Kanemi, she dedicated herself to being a senshi. Unlike the rest of the Nesheph senshi, she never had a normal childhood. Instead, she was raised on Uranus by her 'Aunt Hime', along with her twin sister, Hana. She's the dominant twin of course, has done everything first ever since they was born, and is highly overprotective of Hana. She likes attention, and usualy gets it, thanks to her heroic antics.

As Nesheph Sailortenousei, she is in her element. She is the leader of the Outers, and takes this role very seriously. She's quite powerful, second to Dosei herself, and isn't about to forget it. Tenousei is always ready for a fight, even if she inadvertently starts them. She works closely with Nesheph Kaiousei, oblivious to the fact that her partner is infatuated with her.

Henshin Phrase: Tenousei Dusk Power, Makeup!
Heavenly Fury
The blade of the of the Space Sword begins to glow with golden energy as she says these words. She slashes down, sending the energy at her target with the force of a howling gale. If combined with Kaiousei's attack, it is three times as strong.

Other Powers:
She can fly for brief periods in senshi form, and is an accomplished swordswoman.
The Space Sword


















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