About me?  What?  You kidding?  Oh, alright. . .

This is where I talk about myself.  Isn't that just great?  hehe  Don't let me bore you too much, but if you actually make it clear through this, I'll love you forever!


It all started many moons ago, when low and behold a child was born that was to be the soul obsessed with a single anime character by the name of Heero Yuy.  My goodness is that guy a hottie!  I think about him almost every second of the long and boring day.  He's what makes my world go 'round. . . Rocks my socks. . . shuttles my caboose!  I could go on and on and on, but I think I better quit while I'm ahead.  *lol*

My name is Stevie, and this is my life, well, what little there is of it.  I have so many more wonderful years ahead of me, they have GOT to be better than so far.  Though, I really can't complain too much, as I am such a wonderfully exciting person who would bend over backwards to help you.  I think the one thing I live for most, is good friends who don't try to tell me how to live my life.  Those who like me for who I am, not what they can make me out to be. 

I live in my own little world where my mom really doesn't want me to be.  Like I care.  I should be happy, I'm a kid for goodness sake!  Lemme be who I want to be and back off!  Grrrr  *bares teeth* 

Anyway, I come from the world of Indiana where nothing good EVER happens, so you kinda have to make up your own little universe to pass the time, right?  lol  Currently, I love to read anything I can get my hands on, and have fallen into the 1X2 fandom, loving every minute of it.  At the present time, I live at home, go to school, fight with the evil parents I have not to mention siblings.  Doesn't that just make you want to be me?  I have two dogs, Betsy and Smooch.  Don't say it, I didn't name them.  I like Smooch because the dog protects me.  When my younger brother hits me, the dog will attack him.  Go Smooch!  I have two cats, Luna and Kira. 

The picture over there to the left is myself and my aunt.  She is such a meanie sometimes but I love her to bits.  She keeps me out of trouble, even though I want to argue, it's a losing battle because she'll just send me home, and I don't want that.  My aunt writes fanfiction at the moment, though I know she'd love nothing more than to be a published author someday.  She's been teaching me about computers and the programs, along with Webpages!  This page right here is a result of all the time I spend trying to learn what I can from her.  I don't know anyone else who would take the time to teach me everything I want to know, and for that, I thank her. 

This next pic to the left is my cute little neopet.  Makoto_Kino4 is a happy kougra that likes to play.  hehe  I don't know what else to say about her at the moment, so I'll just move on.

I LOVE James Bond!  I want to be his daughter.  He's my pappa!  Yes, that's it.  hehe  But can you just imagine the life I would have if that were really true?  Anyway, he fascinates me and I don't quite know why.  I love the little toys he gets, but his strength, loyalty and just plain ingenuity is what I would so want to aspire to have one day.  I've seen nearly all his films so far, and though I may not know as much as most Bond lovers, I'm working on it as best I can.  I have a page dedicated to him, which I really want to make better.  It'll take some time as I'm still learning.  Bond Rules!

Let's see, if you haven't noticed already, I have a few yaoi images on here.  I have been sucked into the world of yaoi, more importantly, 1X2 which is Heero x Duo.  So far, that's all I am reading, but who knows?  I might branch out one day.  Heero is the strong silent type, and Duo?  Why he's a cocky know it all.  They seem to balance their traits and work well off each other. 

If I'm not reading 1X2, then I'm usually reading Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing fanfiction.  I can't get enough of it!  Sailor Moon is the first anime I really got into.  I watched all the episodes, read all the fic I could get my greedy little hands on.  hehe  About a year of nothing but Sailor Moon, which my mom was worried about - geez! - I fell into the Gundam Wing fandom.  Oh my!  It was like a whole new world opened up to me.  Not only did I have the wonderful SM, now I could lose myself in GW.  Life was good.

The picture to the left is a few years old.  That is myself with my Aunt Bobbi.  She moved to Las Vegas, and though I miss her terribly, I know that she is with me everywhere I go.  My Uncle Sean was stationed over seas and has since returned home to her.  This makes my aunt most happy, and when she's happy, I'm happy.

What else is there to say?  I'm thinking, really I am.  Oh, next subject. . . MUSIC!  I love music.  I listen to almost anything, but Country.  Don't make me want to get ill and vomit!  I'd rather be tied to a chair and fed wax fruit than to have to listen to that wailing crap!  *ahem* 

Onward!  Some of my favorite artists include : Aerosmith, J. Geil's Band, Bon Jovi, Loverboy (who I couldn't see in concert because they were playing in a bar and I am underage, blast it all to heck!), Def Leppard, Lamb, Matchbox 20, Tatu, Billy Joel, Weird Al Yankovitz, Katalina, Foreigner, The Monkees, Bad English, Warrant, and Japanese j-pop.  Whew, that's quite a list, isn't it?  Not exactly what a kid my age would listen to, actually.  Most kids my age listen to Simple Plan, Linkin' Park, Jewel, Spears, Justin Timberlake. . . get the picture?  I like being different and listening to music that is just that. . . MUSIC!  The 80's were full of great bands, that half my friends never heard of.  Just as well 'cause they're all MINE! hehehe

I adore 'Days of our Lives'.  The first time I watched it, I was spending the week with my aunt.  I got hooked on it, and it just took a week.  That was the week that the character of Sami fell through Tony's glass french doors and nearly died.  Now, I'm just hot for the Remi pairing on the show, which is Rex and Mimi.  They're just the cutest couple.  I am so sick of hearing about Shawn D. and Belle Black.  Give it a rest already you idiot writers!  I recently found out that Cassie is going to be the fifth victim of a serial killer and it saddened me.  I was in denial for a while, but now I just want to go save her bum!  I hate the Bricole pairing.  They make me nauseous!  The grandson having daydreams about his step granny?  Don't squick me!  EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!  I wanted to attend Salem Days Fest, because I couldn't have gotten there.  I had no money and my aunt wouldn't take me.  I can't help it that it was nearly 8 hours away, what's the biggie?  lol 

I cut my hair recently, and it was supposed to be like Mimi's, but I don't think my mom did it just right, but it's alright because I think it still looks really cool.  My friends call me Mimi.  lol  Nutbars.  hehe

I love animals, mostly cats.  I want to be a Vet when I get older and have a huge farm to let the animals run free as they were meant to be.  I would love to go to Africa on safari and see the wonderful wildlife that they have.  I think that I live in captivity pretty well, see?  I've not escaped into the wild yet, but if I did, I would love to live among the wonderful creatures of the Earth.  They are truly some of the most beautiful things nature has to offer.     

Now wasn't that just so exciting? 


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