Version 3.0

Hello! Welcome to my little hole in the web.  My name is Stevie, and this is where I put all the wonderful things that make me happy.  My page is under construction, so please be patient with me.  I am but a learner, soon I hope this page will be something I can be proud of.  I'm going for a more grown up page, compared to previous attempts, so bear with me.  hehe 


The Categories : Anything I adore.  :)

Sailor Moon

Gundam Wing

James Bond!





Other randomness

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Disclaimer : I do not claim ownership of characters hereby mentioned within this site.  They go to their respective creators, whom through their imagination created the wonderful ideas and loveable characters of which everyone adores.  I make no monetary gain from this, only creating a place where I can pay tribute to the characters that have inspired me.   Questions or problems regarding this website, email Stevie.


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