The Labyrinth


In 1986, one of the most creatively genius movies was released by the genius that was Jim Henson.  Even though it didn't do well at the box office, Labyrinth has become a cult classic known the world over by many. 

Thus begins the story of a young girl, Sarah, who inadvertently wishes her baby brother, Toby, away to the goblins.  When stuck with her brother, Sarah loses patience and accidentally says 'the words'.  What follows is a race against time, and a handsome Goblin King (Bowie), to retrieve her baby to return things to normal before he is turned into a goblin.



Along the way, Sarah is befriended by various creatures who, in their own ways, help her to get to the Castle Beyond the Goblin City.  Sarah goes against insurmountable odds and rises to the occasion as she meets up with the Goblin King, her last chance to get her brother back. 

Again, she must 'say the right words' in order for the Goblin King to return the baby unscathed, and though he tries numerous times to distract her from the task at hand, Sarah comes through to shatter the spell and return everything to normal.  




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Disclaimer : The Labyrinth is the sole property of Jim Henson Productions.  I make no money from this page.  The images found here were manipulated by me, so no stealing them.  This site was created purely out of love and admiration for the wonderful creative genius of the late Jim Henson.  Question or comments regarding this website, email Stevie.

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