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About Me

I am a Nevadan through and through, love this state!  Love music and the arts. I enjoy playing the drums,keyboards and singing. Had a 6 pc. band for years, me and 5 others. Now work PT as Talent Agent and Mgr.. . I am busy these days with my life, with my work but need to find more time for play.
I Love clean, functional, happy, well manored, people that have self- control and that show respect. The more they know, the more we can learn from them.

Hobbies & Interests

I Love Egyptology , King Tut , Egyptian Hierrogplyics and the home makes a definate statement to that effect. Many Interests:  That's me! 


I grew up in an affluent family where "Emily Post" was my mentor.!   I have one 22 LB,  child.  That is Maxmillion aka "Maxey the Spoiled"!  I spoil him alot!  As a matter of fact, there's a have a new addition just  for him.  She is also a Bombay, 1/3 his size and we call her Snookey aka "Baby Snooks". Spoiled!  OOhee! That's what pets are for, isn't it?


My friends are among some of the greatest people on earth. They are compassionate, fun loving and loyal "inspite of my sometime short-comings. Tee! Hee! Some of my friends are much younger, some older than I. They love life and live it to the fullest.  That's why I love my friends.


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