AtEase Secretarial Services
Owner/President Rhonda Holscher
Vice President Anita Yarger
[email protected]
[email protected]
To view my resume' online click here.
AtEase Secretarial Services offers off-site Office Assistance. Whether it be a special project that needs immediate atttention, or just everyday typing. I can help you set up filing systems, set up spread sheets, keep your books, create letterhead, business cards, almost anything you need done. Contact me today to set up an appointment.
To provide the best quality product for your company, and to contribute my abilities to develop growth and profit for your company.

It is my goal to allow you to free up time for more pressing matters, and to put your mind at ease so you can focus on them. To ensure you that the work you give me will get done promptly and accurately.
Software Programs






Medical Records

Account Payables

Account Reveivables

Microsoft Office 2000 Professional



Corel Woed Perfect 7.0

Print Shop 5.0

Print Shop 11.0

Microsoft Home Publishing

EZ Legal Forms

Street Atlas

Norton Internet Security
Let me tell you a little about me. I am 33 years old. I've been married 12 years and we have one child. My husband and I decided that I would stay home to raise our son. Well, with today's economy it has been difficult for us to have just one income. That is what encouraged me to learn some new skills and start my own business that I can do right from our home. This makes me available to both my family and my customers. I love doing what I do now, and look forward to my business growing. We attend a local church and are active in some church and community activities. Our son is very active in his school, sports, and church. We are all excited about the business that I have started, and love the flexibility that it has provided for us. Please contact me with any questions you might have. AND DON'T FORGET TO SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!
To view my resume' online click here.
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Baby Caleb's Page
Caleb's Page

Pet's Page
My Family's Homepage
Rhonda's Page

Joe's Page
Family and Friend's Page
If you would like to have your link added to my web site click on contact us and e-mail link to Rhonda.
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