The scent of jasmine is like a proverbial trail of bread crumbs ias one decends the stairs to see corridors, leading through the maze of hallways and rooms, maybe to a particular chamber at the far corner of the cellar� Blacker than black is the door, but the light that peeks from beneath it is a shade of blush, and as that door swings wide, the colors in the air refuse to swell, and that sense of something hidden, something precise and carefully arranged, only grows.
Inside the room , plain Regency fireplace... restrained mouldings near the ceiling... the picture of simplicity... nestled into the corner, between hearth and window, are a s card table of polished cherry, a side table topped with a brass candlestick, and a pair of plush parlor chairs lined with antique satin, striped rose and eggshell. Along one wall is a row of closets, their knobs barely visible against the doors but for the fact that they shine with lacquer. Inside are the many secrets remaining from times past .
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