Science stories to 
reflect on the history and future of science & society. By P. Gomez-Romero
En espaņol, por favor.En español
Bits and Pieces
 In this section you will find short but very meaningful pieces of information, little informative pills and quotations with important messages.
"Lo bueno, si breve, dos veces bueno"
["What is good, if brief, is twice as good" i.e. Brevity is the soul of wit]
Baltasar Gracián (1601-1658)
'...I have written this letter longer than ususal because 
I haven't the time to write it shorter...'
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
"C'est avec la logique que nous prouvons et avec l'intuition que nous trouvons."
'It is by logic that we prove, but by intuition that we discover'
'Probamos a través de la lógica pero descubrimos con la intuición.'
Jules Henri Poincaré (1854-1912)

"Dans les champs de l'observation, l´hazard ne favorise que les esprits préparés"
[When it comes to observation, chance only favors the prepared minds.]
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1911, 11th Ed., Vol. 20)

 D A T A , D A T A , D A T A 

A regular incandescent bulb uses only 10% of the energy in makinglight. The remaining 90% is lost as HEAT

 A few statistics

  • Human population increases in 222,000 people each day
  • In our world a new car is made every second. Go to sleep and tomorrow count 30,000 more new cars.
  • A citizen of New York City uses 3 times more water and generates 8 times more residues than a citizen of Bombai. 

' I have been asked if the tragedy of a scientist is his ability to produce great advances in knowledge that human kind can use to destroy. My answer is that that is not the tragedy of the scientist: is the tragedy oh human kind.'
Leo Szilard (1898-1964) [cited by S.R. Weart and G.W. Szilard in "Leo Szilard: his version of the Facts", MIT Press, Cambridge (Mass.)1978, p.229]

' History is becoming more and more a race between education and Catastrophe'
Herbert George Wells (1866-1946)' [Cited by Federico Mayor, 8 Feb. 1990]


 Questions & comments to [email protected]  |  Last modified: April 25 2001
©Pedro Gómez-Romero, 1998-2001
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