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Top Ten Movies

1 Men in Black II
2 Mr. Deeds
3 Like Mike
4 Lilo & Stitch
5 Minority Report
6 The Bourne Identity
7 Scooby Doo
8 The Sum of All Fears
9 The Powerpuff Girls Movie
10 Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood


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Buffy Angel Firefly

Episodes - Cast - Images - Links

Angel is a heroic vampire cursed with a soul to suffer the guilt of the many victims he killed when he was the evil soulless Angelus. Now Angel fights against the forces of evil. He's been chosen by the powers-that-be to be their champion. Aided by the visionary half-demon Cordelia, the former Watcher Wesley, vampire hunter Gunn and the zany and brainy Fred, Angel protects the people of LA from vampires, demons and the most nastiest, soulless, despicable creatures of all... yeah, that's right... lawyers.

This fall Angel will enter it's fourth season and resolve some of last May's cliffhangers. Will Angel escape from his watery prison? Will Cordelia ever come back down to Earth? Will Wesley ever be trusted again? Will Lilah give Wesley an STD? Tune in later this year and find out.

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