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Original Series Next Generation Deep Space 9 Voyager Enterprise

Episodes - Cast - Images - Links

Season 1 - 2

SEASON 1 Back to Top

09/20/2001 Broken Bow Guest Stars: Vaughn Armstrong, James Cromwell
Archer volunteers to go where no human has gone before to return a Klingon to his home planet — over the objections of Earth's Vulcan allies.

10/3/2001 Fight or Flight
The crew is restless after two weeks without contact with sentient life, but an encounter with an alien vessel soon alleviates the boredom as the away team discovers the ship is littered with corpses.

10/10/2001 Strange New World
A research mission on an Earthlike planet infects the crew with a hallucinogenic pollen.

10/17/2001 Unexpected
An alien impregnates Trip, but he doesn't know right away.

10/24/2001 Terra Nova
Archer's determination to solve the mystery of Terra Nova, a legendary lost deep-space colony, leads to a tense encounter with a tribe of human-hating cave-dwellers.

10/31/2001 The Andorian Incident Guest Star: Jeffrey Combs
Archer's curiosity about an ancient monastery unwittingly places his crew in the midst of a long-standing interstellar conflict between the Vulcans and their arch rivals, the Andorians.

11/07/2001 Breaking the Ice Guest Star: William Utay
A Vulcan starship interferes with Archer's probe of an oversize comet in an episode that highlights T'Pol's private turmoil. Trip becomes privy to the content of a coded personal messages sent by T'Pol to the Vulcan vessel Ti'Mir. 

11/14/2001 CivilizationGuest Star: Diane DiLascio
Disguised as locals, Archer and his expedition explore a civilization bedeviled by a virulent ailment possibly linked to a covert — and anomalous — nuclear reactor. 

11/21/2001 Fortunate Son
Enterprise answers a distress signal from a damaged Earth freighter whose acting commander thirsts for revenge against the Nausicaan pirates who attacked his ship and wounded the captain.

11/28/2001 Cold Front Guest Star: John Fleck
Archer invites a group of alien stargazers to witness a stellar event aboard Enterprise, not realizing the Suliban agent Silik is among the guests.

01/16/2002 Silent Enemy
The ship is attacked by an unidentified vessel. In other events, Archer wants to give Reed a personalized birthday present.

01/23/2002 Dear Doctor
The fascination with human behavior and culture expressed by Dr. Phlox in his letter to a peer is contrasted by his dissenting view of the crew's treatment of a dying alien race.

01/30/2002 Sleeping Dogs
Archer dispatches a shuttle to the aid of a disabled Klingon vessel, whose leader orchestrates an ambush that leaves Reed, T'Pol and Hoshi stranded aboard the aliens' unstable ship.

02/06/2002 Shadows of P'Jem Guest Star: Jeffrey Combs
T'Pol's sudden transfer from the Enterprise startles Archer, who can't tell if he is more upset with the order or by her indifferent attitude about the reassignment. The captain's frustrations are soon multiplied when both he and T'Pol are taken captive by militant Andorians.

02/13/2002 Shuttlepod One
Trip and Reed are dispatched on a shuttle mission to investigate an asteroid field and are cut off from Enterprise, thereby becoming convinced the starship has been destroyed and that their days are numbered.

02/27/2002 Fusion Guest Star: Enrique Murciano
When the Enterprise encounters a ship carrying the Vahklas sect, the disciplined T'Pol is wary, but agrees to experiment with their alternative lifestyle under the tutelage of the Vahkla Tolaris. 

03/20/2002 Rogue Planet
The crew explores a jungle planet that's been turned into a hunting ground by a race of stalkers called the Eska. There, a shadowy woman makes contact with Archer.

03/27/2002 Acquisition
Star Trek alumni Ethan Phillips (Voyager) and Jeffrey Combs (Deep Space Nine) play cousins who are among the pirates boarding the Enterprise. The greedy Ferengi — who take pride in their 173 bizarre "rules of acquisition" — search for gold after sedating the crew with gas.

04/03/2002 Oasis Guest Star: Rene Auberjonois
After hearing of a supposedly haunted alien ship, Archer decides to cannibalize the ship's husk to replenish Enterprise's supplies and discovers the vessel is inhabited after all.

04/24/2002 Detained Guest Star: Dean Stockwell 
The story opens with Archer and Mayweather in a Tandaran prison alongside members of the shapeshifting Suliban. Col. Grat (Stockwell), the commandant, explains that the Tandarans are at war with the Suliban and that Archer's shuttle was impounded after it entered a restricted area.

05/01/2002 Vox Solis
Following a series of misunderstandings that sent a group of visiting aliens off the Enterprise in a huff, an unidentifiable alien parasite boards the ship to feed off the crew's bodies.

05/08/2002 Desert Crossing Guest Star: Clancy Brown
When Archer and Trip repair a vessel belonging to an alien leader the Earthmen are repaid with an invitation to their new friend's volatile world.

05/08/2002 Fallen Hero
The Enterprise is ordered to retrieve Vulcan ambassador V'Lar, who stands accused of criminal misconduct, from the planet Mazar. Meanwhile, Archer becomes suspicious when emissaries from Mazar request V'Lar's return for "additional questioning."

05/15/2002 Two Days and Two Nights
T'Pol talks Archer into joining the shore-leave party on the planet Risa, where he encounters a troubled alien beauty; Hoshi learns a new language from a local man; a pair of aliens take advantage of Trip and Reed; Dr. Phlox's hibernation is disrupted by Mayweather's injury. 

05/22/2002 Shockwave Pt. 1
While en route to a Paraagan colony, a shuttle carrying Archer, T'Pol and Trip is knocked out of the atmosphere by a sudden explosion that kills the 3600 settlers below. Convinced that the Enterprise was somehow to blame, Archer is consumed with guilt, and his feelings intensify when Starfleet recalls the ship to Earth. As the crew prepares for the worst, a surprise visitor offers Archer startling new evidence about the colony's demise.


SEASON 2 Back to Top

09/18/2002 Shockwave Pt. 2

? Carbon Creek


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