My Age of Empires II Page

This is my homepage. It is dedicated to the game Age of Empires II. Please feel free to look around. Links to other AoE II sites are in my "Links" page. This page only deals with the original Age of Empires II. For my Conquerors page, click on "The Conquerors Expansion".

For those of you who do not know this already, Age of Empires II is a Real Time Strategy Game (RTS) that was created by Microsoft and Ensemble Studios in 1999. This was after the great success of Age of Empires and its Expansion Pack, The Rise of Rome. Age of Empires dealt with the ancient world from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, whereas Age of Empires II deals with the Medieval Period, starting in the Dark Ages after the fall of Rome and ending in the Imperial Age, at the dawn of the Reniassance.

Age of Empires II has 13 Civiliaztions to choose from, all of which will be discussed in the "Civilization Attributes" section. As the game progresses through the Ages, you will discover new technologies to be researches, new units and buildings to be built, and new ways to conquer enemies. Each new technoogy you research could lead to another, more advanced, technology. Choose wisely, though, as each technology drains your resources, resources that might be needed for an army or buildings.

The following section summerizes the different sections of my page:

My "The Conquerors Expansion" page deals with the new features found in the expansion. The new Civilizations are all in the "Civilization Attributes" database.

My "Screenshots" page has screenshots that I have taken while playing Age of Empires II. Be warned, some of these are from the expansion, so don't expect to be able to recreate them all. It also has screenshots that i have edited. These are listed in "Screenshot Parodies", which is a subdirectory of "Screenshots"

My "Downloads" page has scenarios and maps that I have created. Alter them at your own risk. The triggers were carefully planned and put together, so do not expect the scenario to work if you change them around. I hope to soon put some AI personalities on this page, so check back soon.

My "Cheats" page is for those of you who are either beginners just learning how to play and unable to quickly gather resources and come up with good troop formations, and those wishing to be able to crush the computer without gathering resources and waiting for units to be built.

My "Hints & Tips" page is for those of you who need tips on formations, resource gathering, and unit production.

My "Strategies for Beginners" section has more specific strategies for new players who as yet cannot beat "Easiest" difficulty.

My "Strategies for Intermediate Players" section gives specific strategies for those who cannot yet beat "Moderate" or "Hard", but have "Easiest" and "Standard" easily beaten.

My "Map Types" section discusses the different map types and which Civilizations are good to play on them.

My "Civilization Attributes" page tells what the pros and cons of each civ are, and it also features lists of what technologies and units each civ cannot research.

My "Technologies" section describes each of the technologies in the game and lists prerequisites and connections with other techs.

My "Units" section describes each unit, its costs, and what research is required to get it.

My "Scenario Designing" section tells how to create a simple scenario using all of the features included in the map editor.

My "Links" page has links to other AoE II sites, as well as the MSN Gaming Zone and the Microsoft Press website.

If you have suggestions or comments, E-mail me at: [email protected]

Screenshots���� Downloads���� The Conquerors Expansion

Cheats���� Hints & Tips���� Strategies for Beginners���� Strategies for Intermediate Players

Map Types���� Civilization Attributes���� Technologies���� Units

Scenario Designing���� Links

My Home Page

Created: 6/26/01 Updated: 7/12/01
� Andrew Wrenn 2001
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