Cheat Codes

To use these codes, press the "Enter" or "Return" key and type in these phrases.

cheese steak jimmy'sAdds 1000 food to your stockpile.
robin hoodAdds 1000 gold to your stockpile.
lumberjackAdds 1000 wood to your stockpile.
rock onAdds 1000 stone to your stockpile.
marcoReveals entire map, but leaves Fog of War.
poloRemoves Fog of War from map.
how do you turn this onGives you a COBRA, a car with machine guns.
to smithereensGives you a Saboteur, which is a suicide infantry like a petard, only much stronger.
i love the monkey headGives you a VMDL, which is a villager that can't do anything.(He looks cool when he self destructs, though)
natural wondersLets you control animals.(There is no way to reverse this code.)
i r winnerYou win the game.
torpedox (Where "x" is the player number)Defeats player specified by "x"
black deathDestroys every other player in the game.

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Created: 7/8/01 Updated: 7/23/01
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